Hogwarts Express

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My name is Isabella Diggory.

Yes, I am related to Cedric. That is always the first question I hear when I meet someone in the Wizarding World. He is my brother, and even though we have the same dark brown hair and fair skin, we are pretty different. 

My brother is the type of person to walk into a room and light it up. His bright white smile charms all the girls, and he has never had a problem making friends.

I couldn't be any more different. I am very introverted, studious- yet not at all, and very outspoken at times. 

I am a hard person to read.

"Iz, have you seen a Nargle lately?" Luna said breaking me out of my trance. She sat across from me in our train car. I was also with Neville and Ross. 

We have all been friends since our first year and Luna joined during her first year, and the 4 of us are all in different houses. 

Luna is Ravenclaw, Neville is Gryffindor, and Ross is Slytherin. 

"Not recently Lu," I said laughing and looking out of the foggy window. 

It was a weird day out, the air was warm- but cool, and the windows were lightly brushed with raindrops. 

I look down at my light wash mom jeans and yellow sweater. I was a proud Hufflepuff. Part of me always thought I belonged in Slytherin because I do have a darker side. But, once that hat realized I was a Diggory, to Hufflepuff I went. Yes, I love being in Hufflepuff, I just feel I am always in Cedric's shadow- his very dark, shadow.

"I cannot wait for this year, I have very high hopes for your love life," Luna says winking at me and brushing her bright blonde hair behind her ear.

"Izzy, you are going to have your first kiss this year. I am not allowing this year to be over until you do." Ross said smirking at me.

"I may need some help too, I asked a girl if she wanted to touch my plant and she said no," Neville said sighing and observing his plant sitting in his lap.

"She probably thought you meant something else, Nev," I reply as Luna, Ross, and I hold in a laugh.

"It's not funny, guys," Neville said a slight blush painting his cheeks.

"It's pretty funny," Luna said giggling.

She and Neville had some serious romantic tension ever since he carried her up to her dorm when she 'slept walked' into the library.

Luna had no clue, according to her she slept walked there, luckily she was already wearing shoes. 

"Anything from the trolley dears?" A little old lady asked walking over to our train car, pushing a trolley full of candies.

"3 Chocolate frogs and 1 pack of Pumpkin Pasties please!" I said handing her some gold coins.

Before I could say thanks, she was already at the next door.

I unwrap my purple box, and a brown frog jumps out.

Neville gets up from his seat and begins chasing it around our compartment.

"Ah-ha! Caught it!" He exclaimed pointing his wand at it, making it turn still.

Neville gave me a certain, 'can I eat this?' look and I nodded.

"This.." He said stuffing his mouth with the chocolate frog, "..is so good."

We all laughed and continued to talk about entering our fifth year and caught up about our summers.

Long story short, Neville got a new plant, a Mimbulus mimbletonia, which looked like a weird cactus. He was so excited about it and kept saying how to feed it and care for it.

Luna went on a trip with her father, and she now has a column in the Quibbler. it's called "Luna's Locality". She is writing about the weird creatures she has discovered.

Ross had a summer fling with a guy from Durmstrang. "He is like Viktor Krum attractive, he had too many daddy issues for me though. We snogged a lot." 

And as for me, I spent the summer figuring out myself. My house is near the Burrow, so I hung out with the Weasley's a lot.

I always had a secret thing for Gingers, and the Weasleys were no exception. 

Especially Ron.

I really saw a similarity in both of us. I mean, we both love food- and that's pretty much enough for me to begin a relationship.

There definitely was some tension. 

I could not wait to go back to school.

Ross and I were so thrilled because we were chosen to be Prefects. 

"All Prefects to the Prefect Carriage." A voice said over a loudspeaker. 

"Don't forget about your old mates-" Neville said with a slight smirk.

"Love you!" I said laughing and pulling Ross with me by his wrist.

Neville and I are super close. Since we met on the train first year, we have been attached by the hip. He was like a brother to me.

We made our way to the Prefect Carriage, and I saw the other Prefects.

From Slytherin, Ross, and Pansy. I could just picture the face on Draco Malfoy's face when he finds out that Ross of all people took his spot. I could practically hear him saying, "My father will hear about this!"

That was his only comeback, and after he said it 100 too many times first year, it means nothing to anyone.

Gryffindor chose Hermione and Ron, and not gonna lie here, I was pretty happy to share my Prefect duties with Ron. I was surprised Harry wasn't chosen, but after his run-in with the Ministry and the dementor attacks, it all made sense. Ernie Macmillan was my fellow Hufflepuff Prefect, and Ravenclaw was Padma and Anthony. 

We were assigned posts and duties, and before we knew it, we were pulling up to the station.

On my way out of the train, I had changed into my yellow and black school robes. 

"All first years follow me!" Exclaimed Ross as we led the eager students to the Carriages to school. 


Hi! I'm Izzy, and this is what I imagine my life at Hogwarts would be like! This chapter is more to just introduce myself and whatnot.

I hope you enjoy it! Please don't forget to vote & more chapters will be out soon!


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