🌺 Five Years 🌺

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(A/N: If you want, listen to this song while you read. It fits with the title a lot!! 
Also B/F/N means best friend's name! Anyway, enjoy!)

It's been 5 years, 5 years since you last saw Brian. You went to Imperial college together. You used to study together every night with Brian since you both were in astrophysics together. You planned to finish college and get your PhD's. But, ever since Brian dropped out to be in Queen, he hasn't contacted you since.

He said he'd keep in touch, and that he'd call you on tour. He never did. For a while you were just angry, but now your heart ached like hell. You missed him dearly, and your best friend B/F/N said you should just get over him already.

That's not how it works when you're in love with someone. You love Brian more that anyone could ever comprehend, and he's been gone for 5 years now. You tried to move on from him, but you just couldn't.

Brian's band was famous now, and you were a big fan. He's been touring all over the world, and he most likely forgot you existed. You don't blame him though. He has way more exciting things to think about.

December of 1979

You're just sitting and reading a book when you hear a phone call. You run down the hall to answer it. When you pick up the phone, there's an excited B/F/N on the other end.

"Y/N. GUESS WHAT!" B/F/N screamed into the phone.

You rolled your eyes. "What is it?"


Your heart dropped. You'd been wanting to see Brian for years now, and you would finally get the chance possibly to see him. Your stomach flipped and a smile formed on your face.

"Really?!!" You could keep your smile from growing.

"Would I lie to my best friend about the love of her life coming back?" B/F/N remarked.

You screamed. Like, actually screamed. You hoped that the people in the apartments next to you didn't think you were being attacked or something.


"Shhh Y/N calm down.." She giggled. "I already got us 2 backstage tickets so we can meet with them after!"

Anxiety hit you like a frying pan. You didn't want to actually have to talk to him. You know you'd most likely say some things that weren't appropriate if you saw him.

"B-but what do I even say to him? What if he doesn't remember me? What if I say the wrong thing?"

"Y/N chill. He's the same Brian you knew 5 years ago, just with different hair and he might be slightly taller. There's nothing to be afraid of." She stated.

"Just walk up to him and say 'Hi! I'm Y/N. We were best friends that studied together all the time!' and see where that goes."

"I guess.." You sighed. "What day is the concert?"

"It's on a Friday night!"

"Alright I'll see you then B/F/N!! Talk to you later!"

"Ok bye Y/N!"

You hung up the phone, both anxious and excited to go see Brian live on Friday. You knew you would spend the whole week thinking about what to say to him.

Time Skip: Friday

You woke up to hear a banging on your front door. You sighed, getting out of bed and walking down the hall to answer the door. It was B/F/N at your window. You rolled your eyes and opened the door.

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