To begin

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Tra la la.
I suppose you came for a story.
Well, this story is different from others.
An origin story, if you will.
We always wonder about chara.
We always wonder about Gaster.
We always wonder about sans.
But I am none of those.
Tra la la.

I was born a black, fiery tempest,
Only to be controlled with a cloak of blue.
I cannot die.
I have tried.
But it does not work.
I was given a friend, created a job and name for myself,
And no one questioned how I came to be,
Or what I even am,
Under that sea blue cloak.
Tree lee lee.
This is the story of me.
The story of how a demon gained foresight,
A friend,
A cloak,
A customer.
And a song.
This is the story of the River Person.

Tra la la.

I have returned!!!!!!
I was working on another book when this story came to mind. I have a beginning and a bunch of ideas for the middle, not really sure how it's going to turn out.
But here we go.
This is the tale of the river person.

The River Person's SongWhere stories live. Discover now