A song

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I opened my eyes for the first time.
I did not even wonder who the faces were.

I just felt hungry.

Hungry for their dust.
I lept at one of the beings, clawing at their face.

He died in an instant.

I felt the dust sink into me.
Oh how marvelous it was.

Then I felt something jolty on my back.
I closed my eyes again.

I opened my eyes to a different area, something around my neck.
If you could even call it a neck.
I saw no one to feed off of, so I looked at my surroundings.
I felt black at the edges of my vision, clouding my non-existent judgement.
I had no feelings except hunger, and anger.
I looked at my hands.
They were as black as night, but you could see that the hand was in the shape of a clawed human hand.

Not, that I could tell back then.
Tra la la.

I was on a table, the only clothing I had was the collar around my neck.

Not that I needed it, I merely took the shape of a human child, I did not need food or water or any kind of sustanance.

I looked around more, although I could not really take it in.

All I remember was, was that it was white.
And a mirror was in the wall to the right.
And a door in front of me.

A man in a robe walked in.
Strangely, I had no urge to attack this man as I did the others.
He picked me up like a baby, in which I was.
Then he swaddled me.
I... did not enjoy it.
I kicked at the blue blanket he had wrapped me in for a while, before getting comfortable at last.
Then he proceeded to take me out of the room as I fell asleep.


I awoke to being in the middle of a circle of people.
I was sitting in the middle of a large Jewish star,
Not that I knew that at the time.
On each of the corners where people dressed in robes.

All of them where wearing white.

One of them was the man from earlier.

The others I did not recognize.

But they were all chanting.

I do not remember the chant, but it was staticky, like... a skeleton I used to know.

Then it started to feel weird.
My brain felt fuzzy, and I was still covered in the large blanket.

I am still unsure if they knew I felt it or not, but in the end, it was worth it.

It was a weird fuzzy sensation in my brain for a minute, almost like that short feeling of bliss after smoking,

not that I have ever done so.

Then came the pain.

It was like a poke at first.
I squirmed.
Then it was a pinch.
I squirmed even more.
Then a bite.
I started cry aloud.
Then a slice.
It hurt all over. I was full on bawling now.
Then it was stabs.
I was writhing in pain, screaming in my childish baby voice, I had still not learned how to speak.
Then it was bullets.
Every inch of my body, constantly getting shot for 10 seconds. It may not seem like much, but if you're in pure agony, it feels like hours.

Eventually it stopped, and my cloudy judgment cleared, it was if I could see all...
then I blacked out.

That night I received a vision.
Not that I would know it was a vision.

First I saw a skeleton man, tall, a crack on the top of his left eye and the bottom of his right.
Then I saw a young goat boy, a flower next to him.
A girl with pink cheeks and red eyes, with a girl in purple and blue standing next to her, wielding a stick, and a knife.
Then I saw a short skeleton in a blue coat, as well as another skeleton of similar height to the first in a strange outfit and red flowing scarf.
One after the other they disappeared.
Then I woke up.

The River Person's SongWhere stories live. Discover now