Omori Towards Insanity

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A black door cast a faint shadow, open it?

Omori frowned as he watched the door swing open. Although he had already seen many horrors on his exploration into the Blackspace, his legs shook with anticipation as he walked through the door. Leaving the room of darkness behind him, Omori's knees weakened, and his vision blurred. With a soft thud, he dropped to the floor. The dark surface provided no comfort whilst he laid there.

In a jolt of urgency, the pale boy awoke to a loud ringing. A white church stood in front of him. It was similar to the church his family frequented in Faraway town, tall glass planes resonated colorful hues on the grass, which surrounded the flat landscape. Through the uppermost structure's shadows, a bell swang back and forth, producing an immense noise.

An object glistened at the base of the church's doorstep. Omori advanced and looked down. On the ground rested a steak knife. "I may need this... to find the key" he rationed. Sweat accumulated underneath his hairline, and he pondered on his current situation. Why would the room give him a knife?

Picking up the sharp tool, Omori placed it inside his back pocket, handle faced down to ensure he would not get pricked by the blade. He entered the church. Near the wooden pulpit, underneath the glossy stage, sat a timid-looking boy with green-blue hair. It was Basil.

On cue with his appearance, Basil looked up. "Omori, you came to save me! I'm so happy," he said. "Everything is a little fuzzy. I remember fixing my photo album, then I woke up in this chapel. Are Aubrey, Hero, and Kel also with you? Here, I'll follow you."

As Basil hopped up and giddily trotted towards him, Omori looked at his surroundings, observing two doors presumably leading to the cemetery. The rest of the room was barren, filled with aisles of empty seats. He started to walk forward but was interrupted by Basil.

"Hey, Omori? Do you remember what happened when I disappeared? Whenever I try to remember, my head starts to hurt a bit. All I recall is fixing my photo album with you," Basil said.

Omori made his way to the church's backyard, and Basil followed closely behind. Rows of grey tombstones stretched across the vibrant field, decorative flowers of various varieties were placed at the base of each stone piece randomly. Despite the surface's normality, Omori remained unsettled; the sky was endlessly black, and the perimeter was choked by a wall of spiky vines. Before he could take another step, Basil continued.

"Jeez, I sure hope my flowers back home are doing alright. They tend to die quickly when they aren't taken care of." Basil took the lead. His eyes narrowed and his head turned left to right, screening the vast courtyard. "I suppose I left my photo album behind. We had a lot of good memories with everyone, didn't we?"

While Basil began to push deeper into the heart of the cemetery, Omori paused to calm down. The flower boy's words brought some unease. "What is he trying to tell me?" Omori said softly to himself, also with irritation. Previous memories of the past Blackspace doors flooded in and his head began to ring in pain. "I must catch up to Basil... he's not himself right now," Omori proceeded forward in a cold sweat.

"Omori, look what I found!" Basil pointed towards a bright light in the distance.

On top of a grassy mound, a lonely tombstone sat in isolation. Clay flower pots of white Egret Orchids surrounded it. In the language of the flowers, it symbolizes the phrase, "my thoughts will follow you into your dreams." Looking closer, the gravestone was blank and reflected off light that created a bright aura. Omori looked one final time at the tombstone. "There is nothing here," he thought.

Before he could end his inspection of the cemetery's monument, he became distracted by a nightmarish scene. Rain fell onto Omori's head, although there were no clouds in sight. Pieces of the gravestone burst out, creating a small gaping crevice at its core, and spiders flooded outwards, scattering across the earth. Basil turned around, or to be specific, his head turned. His neck became misconfigured with stretched wrinkles. Darkness took residence inside the holes his eyes once inhabited, and an unnatural smile extended across his face. The figure uttered two words.

"Mari is..."

In the next instance, everything had returned to normal. Omori stayed frozen, and looked at the mound, desperately searching for any discrepancies; he was dumbfounded. "I shouldn't alert Basil," he thought.

Basil took a few laps around the mound, looking intently at each orchid. He crouched and leaned into one with a particularly small flower. The sides that folded in had turned slightly brown. Basil's eyebrows drooped, and he exhaled a long sigh. He turned back up and gazed at the tombstone.

"Huh," Basil asked, eyes fixed on the blank stone canvas as if he saw something of worth. He slowly turned back to Omori. "Why does it say"

Omori refused. He ran violently into Basil, knocking the flower boy to the ground. He pulled the knife out, clenching firmly, barely conscious of his movements, and almost effortlessly, like second nature, brought the sharp edge of the blade across Basil's belly. He seemed emotionally distant from the whole ordeal. But as soon as he had once slashed open the flower boy's stomach, the horror returned across his face.

Basil had always worn denim blue overalls over a light-colored t-shirt to protect him from the grime and filth of gardening. It had done nothing, however, to impede his attacker's blade from slicing open his flesh. The boy whimpered, but only for a moment, and immediately sank to the ground limply. Omori stepped back, and at once bent over Basil's face; he was dead. Blood poured out convulsively from the open abdomen and formed a thick pool of blood.

Looking up, Aubrey, Hero, and Kel stood as witnesses to the murder. They appeared locked in place, but their smiles shined amidst the chaos. Aubrey used Team Spirit. Omori became Happy, and he began to cackle uncontrollably. He then dealt the corpse another blow, then another, once more in the same spot he had before. Basil excrements flew across the grass and added a sense of texture to the red-soaked ground. He laughed and laughed, striking aggressively, until a majority of his victim's anatomy was strewn across the floor. All that remained inside the stomach wound was a black key, peeking its handle through the batter of skin, liquids, and meats.

Upon contact with it, a white hand pounced out from behind and wrapped its fingers around Omori's neck. He wrestled with the entity, rolling around in the remains of his best friend until blacking out. When he awoke, his eyes were greeted with a familiar sight: the Blackspace. He picked himself up and progressed towards the next door.

A black door cast a faint shadow, open it?


Hey guys! I and some of the talented writers in Omori's lost-library discord came together and created collaboration fanfic on the Blackspace! There are a lot of good works on it, and I definitely recommend you check it out. Link in comments. If you thought it was good, consider leaving a VOTE and comment!

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