Group Projects

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Hey so yeah

I just got done with a "group" project.  It wasn't a group I just had a partner. And they have yet to send me tier part. 

So you might be thinking "ok just tell the teacher" But noooooo it's not that easy. My teacher said that if they hadn't given it to me by Monday(4/19/2021) then I can submit it saying they didn't do their part. But I know this pea brain will forget and I need NEED to bring my grades up, so I emailed them at like 2 or 3(even though they were in class with me) and the only email that I have sent them that they have responded to is the one were we exchanged places.

And they gave me the most vague places. They said Tokyo(ok ok not too bad) and FUCKING FRANCE(yes the country) SO I EMAILED THEM and asked them to give a bit of a more specific area. And guess what, guess, FUCKING GUESS. THEY DIDN'T RESPOND. So 1) I had to rush to finish and it was so so obvious.(if you want I can show ya'll the slide show) 

I also can't even submit mine cuz they have it. I don't know if you can tell but I'm mad as a puppy is cute. It is also 9:50pm as I'm writing this AND I got in an argument with my mom about it so today has been VERY fun and eventful.

How are ya'll doing



I can't wait for Monday so I can rat on them>:)

signing off much love and peace out✌🏽🤘🏽✌🏽

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