Chapter 6 | "boring is good"

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"Jisung are you alright?" Renjun asked, walking up to his brother.

Miyeon observed the young prince, his gaze still glued to the blood on her hands even though his eyes were unfocused. She saw the way his hands were trembling and his face paled, his whole body shaking with the heavy breaths of air he was inhaling.

"Your highness," she said quietly, walking over to Renjun and lightly placing a hand on his shoulder. "please allow me."

He stared at her, not understanding what was going on. She let out a sigh, leaning closer to him.

"He's having a panic attack. The events of the parade must've been traumatic and I think the knife and the blood triggered it." She whispered.

He quickly nodded his head, eyes widening in understanding as he stepped back from his brother and allowed Miyeon to approach him. With her non-bloody hand, she gently maneuvered him over towards a wall and let him sit down as she squatted in front of him.

"You're going to be just fine," she said softly, her voice light and soothing. "nothing is going to hurt you here, you're perfectly safe."

She lightly picked up his hand, placing it over his own heart so he could feel the rhythm.

"Take a deep breath," she instructed, exaggerating her own breathing for him to follow. "good. now another one. keep going just like that, you're going to be alright."

Renjun watched as she carefully helped his brother calm down, a surprising softness and controlled vulnerability around the girl he saw as a walking firecracker.

"Your highness," she called over her shoulder, getting Renjun's attention. "Could you bring my my wraps and some water for your brother."

He immediately reacted, grabbing a bottle of water from a cooler and her black hand wraps and handing them to her.

"You're doing great, Prince Jisung, just keep breathing. We're right here with you."

Renjun watched as she pulled her own hands behind her back, expertly wrapping the black mesh around her wound and covering up any signs of blood all while continuing to comfort Jisung.

Miyeon carefully watched as Jisung's chest rose and fall in a steadier rhythm, his eyes slowly clearing and focusing on her again.

"There you go, how are you feeling?" She asked as she saw him come back to them, Renjun quickly going to sit beside his brother.

"I-I'm okay." he stuttered out, still in shock. "I'm sorry about that, and thank you."

"You don't need to apologize, I completely understand." She said with a nod, sitting down on the floor in front of him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He stared at her skeptically, an uneasy look in his eyes. She could tell he wanted to but was simply afraid.

"It's not good to keep these things pent up or they'll continue to haunt you. You're perfectly safe here, your highness."

"Please, call me Jisung and uh, yeah. I'd like to talk about it."

"alright," she paused and Renjun watched as she had an internal battle between his request and her own training. "alright... Jisung... tell me about it."

"I just... we've been in the palace our whole lives. I don't want to say that we've been stuck here, its just that..."

"you've never had to experience the harsh reality of the outside world?"

"yeah." he said, nodding to her with a small smile. "I never thought we'd ever be in danger, not with our people. We've only been told that they adore us and I honestly thought that even the idea of needing personal guards was ridiculous, until..."

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