Chapter 14 | "special mission"

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"How was your night, Miyeon?" Jeno asked as she strolled into the guard's room the next morning, happy to be back in her usual outfit.

"Tiring but more fun than I thought." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, especially since I was there right." said a voice behind her, causing her to spin around and see Haechan leaning on the door frame. "Back in the dungeon-fit I see, feeling better?"

"Much." She sighed out as he walked over to her. "What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd stop in to say hi before I get to work. Renjun has me organizing all his dumb papers for him." Haechan said, rolling his eyes.

"Eh lighten up on him, he lives a busy life." Miyeon teased, nudging him in the side."

"Ugh, not you defending him too." Haechan joked back, faking a pout before walking back towards the door. "Well I've got to get on my way, but I'll see you later. Maybe we can train a bit."

"I'd love that. Have fun with the papers." She said with a grin as he left the room.

"Alright guys, let's head out." Jeno said once Jaemin and Chenle entered the room.

Miyeon rose to her feet to follow him but he quickly held up a hand.

"Not you, Miyeon. You have a special mission." She stood there confused as he pulled out a letter. "I don't know what this is, but I was told it's for you. Apparently your directions are on the inside. Good luck with... whatever that is."

She took the letter from Jeno's hand, nodding to him as the three of them left the room. Still perplexed by the strange letter, she took a seat at the table and quickly opened it.

Park Miyeon,

We have gotten intel on the attacks targeting the princes, specifically Prince Renjun, and we are sending you on a mission to eliminate them. The attacks are organized by a small group of bandits, 5 to be exact, staying at a chateau just on the outskirts of town. You are to leave immediately and return swiftly. Tell no one about this mission. There is a horse waiting for you out by the back. Do not fail, the Prince's lives depend on it.


"JWH?" She muttered, confused by the letter but shook it off.

Jeno said this was her mission, so she would not fail. She quickly grabbed a few extra knives, wrapping her hands tightly and pulling up her mask before she set out.

- - -

After tying her horse to a nearby tree, Miyeon crept through the last bit of forest until she reached the clearing with the chateau. She snuck closer to the building, peering in the inside. Her eyes widened at the sight.

That seems like more than 5 men...

The window was blurry so she could've been wrong but the house seemed far busier than she had anticipated. Shaking off the thought, she unsheathed her sword and walked up the front steps. Letting out a sigh, mentally preparing herself for the battle that was to come, she kicked open the door.

Instantly she was met with maybe 20 men, all staring at her with weapons in their hands. Her eyes widened as fear spiked through her body but it was to late to run so she threw herself into the house.

She swung wildly with her sword, cutting down many of the men, but whenever she knocked down one, another appeared in his place. She hissed as she felt a slash down her back, no doubt cutting through her fabric and ripping into her skin.

She rounded on her attacked, slicking his neck and shoving him backwards. Her mind was running wild, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer amount of attackers falling in on her. Pain seared into her body as she felt their blades tearing through her back and down her arms. Still she fought on, taking out the men one by one as quickly as she could.

She spun around to slash at another when she was knocked to the ground by an elbow to the face. Briefly immobilized, the remaining 10 men jumped on her, restraining her arms and dragging her into a smaller room and slamming the door shut.

"Hello, little girl." One gruff man spoke, his face hidden by a mask. "Sorry it had to end like this."

He lifted his sword as he walked towards her but she was quicker, she yanked one of the men holding her arm to the side, the first man's sword instead slicing into his friend's back. Miyeon quickly picked up her sword from the ground and slashed at her other attacker.

The 8 other men in the room descended on her, but now she had the upper hand. They were well trained, to her surprise, but the small room made it hard for them to move around, while she was able to snake her way between them.

Her only disadvantage was the increasing pain that was shooting across her skin. She wasn't used to dealing with so many injuries while trying to fight, and she was no doubt making them worse by all her movement, but she didn't have a choice.

She had been able to eliminate all but 3 men, however they were easily the biggest and the strongest of all the men so far. They had her surrounded and she knew this would be a hard fight. Taking a breath, she lunged at one of them, digging her sword across his face and leaving him howling in pain. She rounded on the others but was too slow as one of them struck her hard in the back, the other gripping her arm and forcing her to her knees.

"Enough, little girl, you've lost." Said the first man, standing in front of her with a glare.

"Let me go." She growled out, struggling against the other man.

"I don't think so. You won't be leaving with your life."

"I said let me go. Now. You'll regret it if you don't." She said, trying to make her voice as threatening as possible.

"I don't think you're quite in the position to make threats." The man sneered, taking a step closer to her.

Just then the window on the wall smashed to pieces and someone leaped into the room, sword in hand as he faced the man. Miyeon used the distraction as an opportunity, twisting out of the man's grip and pulling his arm behind him.

"I think she said to let her go." The newcomer said lowly, a threatening look in his eye with his sword pressed against the man's neck.

Miyeon gasped as she heard the voice.


"Are you okay?" He asked, not looking up from the man in front of him.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Did they hurt you?" He asked again, his sword still pressed tightly against the man's throat.

Miyeon couldn't see his face clearly, but she could tell from how tense his muscles were that he was worried. She could feel the pain searing into her arms and back as the blood dripped from her wounds, but she shook it off, not wanting to worry him.

"Nothing too bad." She watched as he visibly relaxed, his grip on his sword still tight as he slightly turned his head to meet her eyes.

She smiled shyly as he gave her a quick once over, looking for any blood or wounds on her body which were luckily concealed by her dark suit. His gaze lingered on the bruises and cuts on her face before meeting her eyes again. He broke out into a small smile, letting out a sigh of relief before she spoke again.

"You shouldn't have come. It's dangerous." Miyeon said carefully, twisting her assassin's arm tighter behind his back and causing him to let out a painful groan.

"You're right, let's get out of here."

With a swift move, Renjun drove his sword into the man's neck, leaving him to bleed out on the ground. Miyeon quickly followed suit, releasing the other man's arm and quickly plunging a knife into his chest, doing the same to the third man just for good measure.

He walked over to the window, careful to avoid putting his hands on any of the shattered glass still clinging to the frame as he pulled himself up. Miyeon followed, carefully picking her way through the dead bodies lying on the ground. With a grin, he offered her his hand, pulling her out of the dark room and back into the light.

He gently took her hand and led her across the open corridor towards the exit where she could see palace guards already waiting for them.

Ah this story is flopping so hard :/
I hope those of you reading it are enjoying it though <3

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