Chapter Twelve

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This chapter is dedicated to FlorianneJacques for convincing me I still have readers. If you guys don't comment, I don't know if anyone is reading =/ I was honestly going to take this story down. But now that I'm sure people out there want to read this, I'm updating. Enjoy!

"Did I scare you?"

Bella's jaw dropped. It was Edward's body, but Claudia's voice.


Fake Edward winked at her. "The one and only." She changed back to what Bella assumed was her original form. Thin, cocoa skinned, and incredibly good looking. "Now, what on earth are you doing here?"

"I, I needed a..." Bella pointed back at the store. "Look, it doesn't matter what I came for, but I think someone's seriously hurt. We need to-"

Claudia made a motion to shake her bob cut. "No can do, Missy. I have straight orders to keep you safe and under a watchful eye. Why, what do you think Eddie would do to me if he knew about this?" The vampire got a hook on Bella's arm and proceeded to walk her back.

Bella allowed herself to be dragged like a rag doll, but persisted. "He could be dying!" Her eyes glanced back at the store. "There was so much blood. What if a vampire-"

In a sharp movement, Claudia swung her around in front of her. The move left Bella feeling light headed.

"Wait. So what you're trying to tell me is that there's another vampire?"

Bella shrugged.

With a determined expression, Claudia continued to lead Bella down the dark roadway. "Okay, I'll check out this place after I get you inside. Lock the doors and be sure to turn on the TV. I don't want any sounds to come from you though, alright? Oh and here." She pulled a lighter out of her pocket. "The only sure way to kill a vampire is to tear the sucker apart and set it on fire."

Bella nodded, squeezed the lighter, and bit her lip. She didn't think there had been any danger in making a phone call, but she might have made things worse.

Claudia pushed her through the doorway. "Stay inside," she instructed. "Lay in the bathtub and keep yourself covered. Avoid the heater too." And just like that Claudia disappeared.

Bella took a shaky breath and pulled it together. She turned on the TV and grabbed some extra pillows and blankets from the closet. Like Claudia suggested, she made a make-shift bed in the tub and pulled the shower-curtain to hide herself.

Bella curled into a ball on her side and listened to the comical voices from the show in the bedroom. She shut her eyes as feelings of loneliness consumed her wounded soul.

Hands were tucking her into bed. On reflex, Bella reached out and touched the arm. "Mom."

Her eyes opened and a wary expression from Edward greeted her. "I didn't mean to wake you," he apologized. He gently rubbed her head. "I'm sorry you have to go through this."

Bella sighed and shut her eyes. She had been preparing this question ever since he left. "Edward. How long are we going to keep running?"

It was completely silent. She had to open her eyes to make sure he was real. The pain certainly felt real.

He looked away, somewhere far off. The answer remained thick in the air between them.


"Is Bella finally up?" Claudia walked into the room, appearing as a tall blond. "I have good news and bad news. What do you guys want first?"

Edward glanced at Bella. She was surprised he had even considered her at all. "Good news," she said.

"It definitely wasn't a vampire so it means the boss's minions aren't close by."

"What's the bad news?" Edward prompted.

"Whoever it was got away."

Bella could feel Edward's body tense up. Claudia seemed pretty proud of herself, to the point of celebrating.

"C'mon, Eddie. This is a victory!"

"Bella was just feet away from a killer and you think this is good news?"

Bella sunk in deeper in the bed and watched the scene unfold. Guilt wedged in her sub-conscious.

Claudia's mouth was a tight line. "That had nothing to do with me, darlin'. Damsel in distress here left on her own."

"She shouldn't have been alone to begin with!" Edward's voice shook the springs in the bed. Bella watched as he stood, looking ready to rip the woman's head off.

Claudia laughed. "What? Is this insignificant human suddenly more important than your friend? Do you honestly think you can beat me, Eddie? That you can protect her?" Claudia returned to her original form and smirked. "It's just like you thought. You can't run forever. The boss will get here at some point. If you were smart, you'd hand her over." She turned to Bella and smiled. "It was so nice seeing you again, Bella." With a sneer, she left the apartment.

The room filled with tension. Bella cleared her throat. "I'm sorry." She glanced up at Edward who had his back to her. "Look, I know what you're doing is noble, but she's right Edward. You can't protect me forever."

His hands were clenched into fists at his sides. For a heartbeat, Bella thought he might turn that violence on her. Instead, he turned and embraced her.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that," he apologized. "Claudia is a little harsh and idiotic when it comes to certain things. But she was wrong to think you're not worth it."

Tears sprung into her eyes. "I-I'm not," Bella sobbed. "There's nothing special about me. I'm just some stupid girl who lost her mother. I can't even protect myself."

Edward pulled back and stared at her. There was concern, frustration, and even curiosity in those topaz eyes. "Bella, you don't see yourself clearly. There is much more to you than loneliness."

"Then what is it?" She demanded, furiously wiping the tears under her eyes. "What makes me better than your friends? Your family? Your life?"

"It's because you're mine!"

There was a possessive edge to his words that made Bella freeze. What was he saying? That he owned her? That she was his piece of property to do as he pleased?

Bella frowned. She didn't belong to anyone, and certainly not some bi-polar vampire.

Edward's glare quickly melted into a soft expression as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, wait. That's not what I meant to say."

"I thought you were protecting me, Edward. I thought you cared, but apparently all I am is some piece of furniture to you."

"Bella, look at me. Look at me." He took her hands gently in his. They were cold and pale, bringing the obvious fact that they were two completely different beings. "Vampires are possessive creatures by nature. I do care about you." He lowered his head ans sighed. "I knew you when you were younger. I was the one who saved you when you ran away."

The man from her dreams. It was him. And that dream was a memory.

She lifted her eyes to his. There was hurt in her brown colored gaze. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Edward released her hands and the room suddenly grew cold.

"Because I'm the one who killed your mother."

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