Chapter One

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The insistent sound of tapping woke her up. With a heavy sigh, Bella lifted her head.

And was greeted to a room of twenty or so other teenagers, all snickering at her.

"I hope we haven't interrupted your beauty sleep, Miss Swan."

Her head whipped to the front of the room, where Mr. Banner frowned from behind the lab station. The room filled with laughter and Bella's cheeks flushed deeply.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, looking away. Her wavy, brown hair created a curtain from her and the taunting eyes.

Mr. Banner turned back to his demonstration and Bella yawned. She was having that dream again; in a dark, vacant playground with a beautiful man. Clearly he had been a teenager at the time, his features fresh and unwrinkled, but to her six year old self he appeared a young man, troubled. She never did understand why he looked so miserable.

A paper ball whacked the side of her head and Bella turned to where Jessica was seated, the peppy blond urging her to read the note. Away from Mr. Banner eyes, she opened it under the lab table.



Bella smiled and quickly dropped the paper into her bag. Jessica had been trying to get her to do this all year, but she had refused. Not only was Bella a goody goody, but she was simply unsure of her ability to sneak glances down at a phone with a teacher in the room. Knowing her luck they'd catch her the first day.

The bell rang and the students shuffled out of the room. Jessica greeted her at the doorway.

"So, what's up?"

Bella raised an eyebrow. "Nothing, I guess...?"

Jessica shook her head and rolled her eyes. "C'mon, fess up! There's obviously something up with you! You love biology. You're the last person I'd expect to fall asleep in class."

Bella flushed, recalling the embarrassing incident. "It's just stress," she murmured quickly. "I've been taking extra shifts at the diner and ACTs are soon-"

"Ugh, please don't remind me," Jessica groaned, leading the way into the crowded cafeteria. Forks high school was a rather small community with very few people, but they still managed to make the giant room feel small. "And you better get someone to cover your shift for tomorrow. I will not have any excuses for your absence."

Bella grabbed her usual sandwich and lemonade from the lunch line and then walked over to the usual lunch table. Mike, Angela, and Eric greeted them both with a grin.

"Arizona! Heard you fell asleep in bio." Mike chuckled, referring to her nickname when she was still the new girl.

"Ah, give her a break, Mike," Angela defended, giving Bella a sympathy grin. Bella thanked the girl with her own smile.

"Hey, I'm not judging or anything! I'd fall asleep too if I had Mr. Banner as a teacher."

"Does he still act like he's got a stick wedged up his ass?" Eric laughed along with Mike while the girls just shook their heads, containing their own giggles.

"Anyway," Jessica pulled the conversation toward her, pointing to Angela. "You are going with me and Bella to Port Angeles tomorrow. No excuses."

Mike and Eric fake gasped. "I don't recall being invited," Mike stated.

"That's because you aren't." Jessica pursed her lips. "We need a girls night, anyway. We'll probably try on clothes and buy tons of things. If you guys want to carry the bags, I'm sure-"

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