Chapter 4 - Pancakes and board games

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Ah sorry this was late, I had tests and stuff on cause it was the last week of school


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The night was loud and busy, engines chugging and Tokyo citizens walking about the cluttered streets, enjoying the beautiful night, snacking on ramen or hanging out with friends. Yet none of that mattered to you as you laid on your side under the sheets of your bed.

Your eyelids were heavy, yet you didn't want to doze off just yet. The sound of light snores coming from your guest room kept you awake, your lukewarm cup of tea sitting motionless on your bedside table.

Rolling around, you finally let sleep get the better of you, drifting off into a deep and undisturbed sleep, your dreams occupied by the wind in your face and the freedom as you drove about the countryside.

Though the sun always sets in paradise, your eyes fluttered open to reveal the early morning bustle of your hometown city. Behind the buildings and towers, the sky was painted a dull pink and orange, the bright morning sun rising behind, muffled in the dusty sky.

Yet somehow, the basic white roof took your attention, staring up at the plain colour, your mind still hazed with sleep. A small knock on your door startled you up from your vague dreaming.

"Come in" your voice was groggy, laced with sleep as you sat up, propping yourself against the blackboard and rubbing your eyes as the guest from the previous night slinked in.

"Sorry to disturb you," Sugawara said, peeking in through the door as he shuffled in.

"No problem, I sleep way too much after races anyway, it was probably good you woke me up" rushing a hand through your H/C locks, the strands fell back around your face, the bags under your eyes highlighting your dull eyes that were lined with the sleepiness of the morning.

"Are you sure, I wouldn't want to be rude?" the silver-haired male asked, shifting around in the clothes he had borrowed from you.

"Of course, you're my guest, I really should be serving you breakfast or something" you groan, finally swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, your legs exposed to the cool morning air.

"So... good fashion choice huh" Suga giggled, almost feeling comfortable as he walked over and placed himself next to you, the bed shifting under the combined weight.

"They are comfy," you replied simply.

A subtle blush formed on your cheeks as you both descended into silence. You slowed your breathing, listening to the silver-haired males' short breaths as he shuffled around on the bed, ruffling the sheets. You could feel his body warmth radiating next to you, giving you comfort.

Your pyjamas top suddenly felt heavy as you looked down at your clothing. The small rabbit design on the front of your short-sleeved top matched the shorts you wore to cover your bottom half. It was a comfy two-piece set you had bought ages ago, but somehow still managed to fit in.

"You wake up to this view every morning?" the male whispered under his breath, dumbfounded by the outstanding view that had been laid out before his very eyes.

"Yea, it's nice, worth everything" you laughed, your eyes now tracing the Tokyo skyline, a smile creased over your face that was lit up by the morning sun.

"I can see why... was it all racing money?" Sugawara asks, his voice almost trembling.

"Not all, I lost a lot of cash from all the races I lost, but I work down at the vehicle workshop so I earn some extra change there, along with selling a few drugs, it was pretty easy to snatch this up," you say casually, not minding sharing a few spots of your personal life, trusting the information to the seemingly innocent male.

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