Chapter 3

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It was supposed to be a relaxing Saturday, really. I already had it planned out -- I'd sleep in, wake up past noon, eat, play my favorite RPG game, and then go back to sleep. Everything was already set, but fate had different plans.

And by fate I mean my roommate Casper.

The sound of my door slamming open startles me awake from my sleep and before I get to complain, I hear footsteps padding towards me and a second later, a phone is shoved right in front of my face.

"What's this?" Casper demands more than asks.

"Dude, what the hell?" I ask annoyed, shoving the bright screen away from my face.

"Don't what the hell me," Casper persists, shoving the phone back at my face. "Why the hell are you on YouTube Vincent?"

Huh? YouTube? What the hell is this guy talking about?

"What are you talking about?" I groan as I pull over the blanket over my head. Not even a second later, the fabric is ripped away from my body and I just internally cry before forcing my eyes open.

Standing by the side of my bed and looming over me is the perfect example of what not to look for in a roommate. Once our eyes meet, Casper raises his phone and points to a video thumbnail on YouTube. I rub my eyes, squinting at what he's pointing at, barely making out what it's saying.

Papi and Nicole plays: Volleyball and in the thumbnail of the video is a picture of,

"What the hell, is that me?" I ask incredulously, grabbing Casper's phone to have a closer look and wow, it really is me. "Why am I on YouTube?"

"What do you mean 'why am I on YouTube'? You tell me!" Casper exclaims and I sit up on the bed. I play the video, Casper scooting over at my side, and a minute in I register what it's all about.

"Ah," I say in recognition, giving Casper back his phone and not bothering to finish watching the video. "That's when I went out to play some volleyball. Remember those youtubers I told you about?"

"Youtubers?! You meant these guys?" Casper looks back and forth between me and his phone and I just look at him weirdly.

"Yeah. Figures that's why I'm on YouTube." I say as a matter-of-factly.

"Oh my god," Casper exasperates. "You, my friend, are an idiot."

"What'd I do?" I ask, standing from my bed. I walk straight to my desktop computer and turn it on. Since I'm already awake, courtesy of my rowdy roommate, I might as well just start playing already.

I feel Casper's eyes on me and I turn to face him, giving him an unimpressed look. "Look, if I'm missing out on something, then tell me. Don't just sit on my bed and stare holes through my head. You already ruined my Saturday."

"You seriously don't know?" Casper asks.

"Well, you're not telling me anything." I shrug. I have no idea why Casper is asking as if it's such a big deal to play volleyball with some youtubers. It's not like I'm going to be famous overnight for it. Not that I really care either way.

Casper asks permission to open a browser on my computer and I wheel myself to the side to give him some space. He searches something and when he's done, he drags me back to the front of my computer.

"GE Inc.? Isn't that channel 12?" I ask Casper, a little familiar with the name of the company he searched.

"Close. It's 21." Casper corrects before hovering his mouse over an Instagram account of some guy named Shen Celis. He opens the profile in a new tab.

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