Part Three 3

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After eating his breakfast, Jin went straight inside his car and called Yoongi and Hoseok.

Hoseok: "Yo! My Jinnie! What's up?"

Yoongi: "Hey, and Hoseok can you please keep your voice a bit down! So loud in the morning man!"

Jin: Hey guys! Quickly get up and get dressed. Come at the cafe which is near Yoongi's place quickly as possible."

Yoongi: "*groans* Why!? It's so early for our classes then what's with this hurry?"

Hoseok: "Come on you old man just one time wake up early. And Jin I'm in my way so bye! I'll see there!"

*Hoseok hung up*

Yoongi: Ya! Hoseok! *deep sigh*

Jin: "Sorry man, something occur again, so need your guys help."

Yoongi: "it better be important or else-"

Jin: Yes! It's important so quickly get up and get dressed!"

Yoongi: "Okay, bye then"

*Yoongi hung up*

He sighed after both Yoongi and Hoesok hung up the phone. Jin started to drive where he told his friends to come. After driving for 15 minutes he finally reached at cafe.

When he entered the cafe he saw Yoongi staring at his screen while Hoseok sipping his coffee.

He went straight and greets them.

"Hey buddies" said Jin making both Yoongi and Hoseok to look up from their phones. Hoseok jumped from his sit and hugged him like it's first him seeing Jin.

"Man it's feel like it been a long time since I saw you" Said Hoseok before breaking the hug.

"You just saw him yesterday, what do you mean?" Yoongi said while scoffing.
Hoseok glared at him and looked back at Jin.

Both of them sat down on their seats and Jin ordered his drink. After Jin's drink came he took a sip of it before looking at his friends.

"So what is it that you need help on?" Ask Yoongi. Jin looked Yoongi as if he was think how to start the conversation.

"It's about Taehyung." Both Hoseok and Yoongi looked at Jin as if telling him to continue.
" He's bunking his class again"
"So?" Asked Yoongi while narrowing his both eyes.
"So...he told me to call at his school and make an excuse"
"And why did he told you to do that?" Hoseok asked this time.

"Because he knows that I can't refuse him. And that's exactly what happened I couldn't tell him no. So I have to make an excuse for him."

"Why can't you just simply say no to him?. It's easy." Yoongi asked bit annoyed because every when Taehyung ask Jin to call at his school he would do it which Yoongi believes that it's not good for both him and Taehyung.

"You know that our Jinnie loves Taehyungie and that's the reason why he can't say no." Said Hoseok and Jin nodes his head while pouting.

"I know, but imagine if Aunt Kyung-Su found out that it would be problem for both of them." Said Yoongi and you can the concern in his eyes.

"I agree with Yoongi on this one. You should try to say no to Taehyungie. It's not good for him because he's missing out his studies." Jim looked so focused as if he's trying to think.

"Okay! This would be my last help for him, but I'm out of excuses now so I don't know what to say to his principal." Jin said while pouting and with worried eyes.

"Just tell them that he's sick. That's it." Yoongi said while shrugging.

"Oooooo nice idea. Thanks Suga." Jin and Hoseok gave Yoongi that name 'Suga'.

After Jin called Taehyung's school he went straight to his college with Yoongi and Hoseok.

Four of his classes are finished and now it's lunch time. When he went into the cafeteria he saw Yoongi and Hoseok already siting on their favourite table. He quickly ran to them and sat beside Yoongi.

Three of them talked about their weekends plan and what they would do at Yoongi's place tonight.

As they were talking suddenly Hoseok's phone ranged. He looked his phone and smiled before picking up.

"Hello Jiminie." When Hoseok said the name Jin quickly looked at him a bit surprised, but he shrugged off knowing that there are lots of people name Jimin.

After Hoseok finished talking to the guy, he smiled at his friends before saying.

" My cousin is having party at his house and he invited you guys too and you both can't say no since you my best friend." Jin and Yoongi looked at each other before nodding.


Jin finished his all classes and bid goodbye to Yoongi and Hoseok. He was about to go in side his car, but someone stopped him.

"Excuse me." After hearing that voice Jin turned around to meet someone who he never ever met before. The guy in front of him looks bit taller than Jin, his body looks muscular, his wearing a white shirt with two button undone and black skinny jeans, he looks hot 🥵.

"Y-Yes" Jin shutter because the guy eyes are very intense so Jin try to avoid the stranger's eyes.

"Is this is the Music, Performance and Acting building?" Asked the stranger.

"Yes, this is the M, P & A building." Jin repeated what the stranger asked.

" Thank you" Said the stranger and walk off. Jin looked at the man's back with confused expression on him.

Jin just shrugged off and got in his car and drive off.

When he came home he saw his dad siting on the sofa. Ha ran to him and hugged him.

Mr Kim smiled at his oldest son and pat his back.

" How was your day, SeokJin?" His dad asked him.

"Not so good and not so bad." Jin said with a smile on him. His dad just hmm and continued doing what he was doing.

Jin got off from the sofa and made his way upstairs. He went straight to Taehyung's room without knocking.

Taehyung who was playing game in his phone while siting on the bed looked up and saw his hyung. Jin went straight to his TaTa and fall flat on the bed.

"Are you okay, Hyung?" Taehyung asked worried if his hyung is okay.
Thank you guys for reading my book. I really appreciate.

And thank you so much for voting my book. That's the biggest motto for me to continue to write the book.

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