Chapter 36

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Sana's POV

I bought every hungover drink I can grab and got the recommended headache medicine the pharmacist told me before running to Tzuyu at full speed.

I arrived at their front door, before going in I took a deep breath.

The dorm was lovely and simple. Everything you need to live can be seen inside it. I was actually surprised that the living room was so clean as I expected it to be dirty because they had a party last night.

Since I didn't know where her room was I peeked at every room I could see and finally, I saw her sleeping like an angel in the last room. I stared at her blankly while admiring her face. I slapped myself so I wouldn't spend my day just looking at her.

I closed the door as I stop the urge to take a picture of this limited edition moment.

I went to the kitchen so I could prepare her something to eat. I got the ready-to-eat rice porridge, since I don't know how to cook, and went to heat it on the microwave. I got the bundle of different medicines that I picked and some that the pharmacist gave me.

As I was waiting for it to be heated I looked around their place. As you open the door a short hallway would greet you. After just two steps or 3, there is a small opening and it contains a bathroom upfront and 2 bedrooms on the opposite sides. Just right in front of the door is the spacious living room with three couches, a television, and a small window. As you turn right just behind the wall in the hallway is the kitchen and the dining table and lastly at the far right beside the living room is Tzuyu's room.

The dorm was kinda big for three people, it shows that all of them quite have the money.

I ran back to the kitchen as I heard the microwave alarm. I took the rice porridge but as the clumsy I am, I got burned as the container was steaming hot. I wore gloves and took the porridge and placed it on a tray together with a bundle of medicine.

I tiptoed my way to Tzuyu's room and she was still sleeping. I didn't know how to wake her up so I stayed there staring at her waiting for her to wake up on her own.

I feel like an idiot since I could just move her a little to wake her up but because of nervousness, my hands won't follow me.

I stared at her face for a while before unconsciously taking my phone out to take a picture of her. I wanted to keep a memory of this precious event that I can no longer stop myself from taking a picture of her while sleeping.

As I was about to press the shutter, her hands suddenly held mine which obviously made me surprised and step back a bit.

"You can't take a picture of me now, I look ugly. We'll take a picture together once I look fine okay" she said in a husky tone as she tried to get up from her sleep with her disheveled hair.

"By the way what are you doing here?" She said as she rub her eyes while trying to open it.

"Y-your dorm mate asked for a favor" I stuttered while avoiding eye contact

"Aish Mina-unnie" shaking her head.

"I'll drink this, you might have a schedule you can go now" she said, I felt like she wanted me to leave so I felt kinda irritated

I rolled my eyes and faced my back at her. "If you want me to leave then just say so" I irritatedly said and slammed the door

I actually think I overreacted for a bit but it seriously irritated me so much. I was about to get my bag when I heard a loud thud inside her room. I immediately ran inside and saw her sitting at the floor. I went to her and she just smiled at me.

"Sorry I felt kinda dizzy while coming after you. I just slipped don't worry" she said while holding her head. I helped her get up with my eyebrows still pulled down together.

She flicked my head which made me more irritated "Yah!" I yelled at her

"Are you still angry? Sorry" She said with aegyo but I wasn't affected

Her face came close to mine "Can you stay with me?" I blushed with her actions and she led me to sit down at the dining table.

She leaned down to my face level. "Thank you, I'll just wash up stay here okay?" I obediently followed her order so I sat like a statue. She went out of the toilet and laughed at me.

"You really didn't move an inch huh" she went back to her room, got the porridge, and set it up on the table.

I just stared at her when she suddenly opened her mouth. I didn't know what to do so I blankly stared at her. Then she pointed the porridge with her lips and opened it again. Just then I realized what she wanted me to do.

I got a spoonful of the food and fed it to her. She smiled and open her mouth again. We did that over and over again until no food is left.

I got the dishes and went to wash them in their sink. I suddenly stopped when I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist.

I felt her breathe near me as she placed her chin on my shoulder. Now every gestures she makes made my heart race.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered as my heartbeat aggressively with even the slightest movement from her.

"It's my gesture to thank you" I felt her head tilt a bit to see me.

I unconsciously faced her and to my surprise, our lips were inches close but she didn't move her face away which made my heart jump. 


I'm really sorry for the delay and further delays in the future, really busy and author's block just kicked in. Really sorry🥺

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