Chapter 22

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Chaeyoung's POV

I decided to go to an art gallery today as I had the time. I heard my alarm go off and got ready to go out. As I was in a good mood I decided to bring food for the members.

I went out as soon as I can so I could go back home early. The weather was bright and calm on my way to the art gallery. I put on my earphone as I wait for my stop. I had my face mask on in case, I am still a public figure.

As I arrived I went in excitedly and the magnificent arts that surrounds me left me in awe. I wandered carelessly while I capture every beautiful painting I see in my eyes.

I took one photo as a remembrance but as I checked on it, it wasn't the painting that got my eye. It was something that was more beautiful than the painting I was looking at.

I faced back front to catch her but she wasn't there anymore. I frantically wandered my eyes to look for her again but it was too crowded.

Now I only have this blurred picture of her in my phone's gallery. I wandered around the art gallery still hoping to at least see a glimpse of her but failed. I didn't notice the time. It was already getting dark so I decided to go home

"If I'll see you again I'll definitely get your number then" I whispered to myself as I exit the gallery with the girl in mind.

I looked back for the last time as I whispered "I'll come back for you someday" I remembered that I told Jihyo unnie that I would buy food for us so I walked at a fast pace.

I stopped by a bakery to get some bread for the members and went to a restaurant to get some meat. I took the bus to our dorm and went down to my stop.

I walked with my earphones on while listening to mellow music.

Not too long I was in front of our building but I squinted my eyes when I saw two familiar figures in the dark alley near our place.

Is that Jeongyeon and Nayeon unnie? I thought as I slowly went near them but my phone suddenly rang.


I answered the call. "Why?" I asked her.

"Where are you? Come home quick I'm hungry~" Momo pleaded and I can imagine her pouting.

"I'm already downstairs. Just ready the table" I said and we ended the call.

I quickly looked back up but there was no one. I looked around the dark alley for a while to make sure. Did I just imagine? I shrugged it off and quickly went back up.

I opened the door and saw Momo and Sana cuddling while watching tv. They didn't hear me so I secretly took a photo. Jihyo then came out from the kitchen while holding some utensils and smiling widely at me as soon as she saw me.

"Chaeyoung is here!" Jihyo shouted and all of them turned at me with wide smiles

"What did you bring our maknae~," Momo asked and I showed them containers full of meat

"Meat!" Sana shouted and jumped out to sit at the dining table

"Where are Jeongyeon and Nayeon unnie?" I asked as I don't see them around

"They are in their room, I think they're changing clothes they also just got home a little bit early than you, maybe just seconds" Jihyo said as she sat down while waiting for the two.

"So what do we have here, Meat!?" Nayeon shouted while swaying her hair. Nayeon's eyes landed on the meat and her eyes immediately sparkled. Jeongyeon unnie then went out right after and ran to the dining table as she heard the word meat.

We ate together and Momo took my phone which shocked me. She opened it and pressed the camera button.

"Let's take a picture and post it on ig c'mon" Momo said and we gathered around.

Momo was scrolling through the pictures she took while Sana was also looking at them.

"Yeah why do you have this blurred picture of a girl beside a painting in your phone gallery, such a waste for storage, shall I delete it for you?" Momo asked me and my eyes went wide as I realized what she was talking about

"no!" I snatched my phone back and Momo looked at me confused.

"Eh? Why?" she asked me

"N-no reason" Momo bought my excuse but I felt someone smiling at me teasingly.

I looked at Sana and she was looking at me like she knew something.

"Is it because of the girl?" Sana asked me while raising her eyebrow.

"W-w-what do you mean?" I can't stop stuttering like I'm guilty. I cursed myself in my mind while Sana unnie was still looking at me.

"N-no it's just she's beautiful and I don't even know her name" I pouted and Sana just laughed at me.

"It's okay to be attracted Chaeyoungie~ it's okay to have a crush Chaeyoungie~ our Chayoungie~ is growing" I glared at her as she keeps on teasing me so I just focused on eating while my cheeks were blushing hard.

One of the cellphone on the dining table was notified. We looked at our cellphone and it wasn't mine so I shook my head to them. We looked for the owner and unexpectedly it was Jihyo unnie's phone.

Jihyo looked at her phone and smiled widely. We stared at her suspiciously. "It's nothing it's just ads" She told us and gestured us to keep eating yet the smile on her face won't fade away.

I pretended that I believe her excuse and we continued eating. We played rock paper scissors to decide who would clean the table and Sana loses so she glared at us and we went to our perspective rooms leaving a sulking Sana.


I'm so sorry for the late update😢. Stay safe.😊

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