Chapter 5

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I woke up to some loud whispering but kept my eyes closed to listen in on their conversation then stopped because there was nothing interesting going on in this conversation.

*yawn* I yawned and got up so I could see everybody that was in the room. "hey you okay, you need some water?" kyle asked as soon as I got up. I just shook my head and sat up against the headboard. Kyles friends were in the room and they were staring right at me which made me feel a little self cautious. 

"so what happened to your face, like it is all bruised up and swollen" that comment from Alex made me feel even more self cautious and made sure to show them I was uncomfortable.

"what the actual fuck did I just tell you..."  kyle asked waiting for Alex to respond "*ugh* to keep my opinions to myself" he muttered out but loud enough for everyone to hear. "...and..." kyle questioned again, "Oh my fucking god you said to also mind my own business, happy," he said with an eye roll, ky rolled his eyes back at him and said, "... very much so, okay so because today is a Saturday we are going to Walmart, yay!" I giggled a little because of the way he said Walmart, ah he's so cute, but no I can't go I have to be home now or else my father will kill me...oh well, you only live once right.

"ok I need to go do something downstairs so I will be back in approximately 20 mins and call me if anyone has an emergency, and guys please be nice, okay buh-bye," kyle said and the boys just answered with ' we will ' then continue with their conversation.

I sighed and turned to face the window.

"hey, Savana is it?" I heard Eli say as I turned to face him, I just nodded and stared at the wall.

"sooo, what's going on with you and you know," Alex asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him boys could be so dumb and annoying sometimes, I felt a little more comfortable with the boys and I really couldn't be bothered keeping my mouth anymore shut so I just decided to talk to them.

I cleared my throat "w-w-well n-nothing i-i-is real-ly going o-on b-b-between us" I stammered out with my awful groggy voice, I looked over at the guys and both their mouths were wide open.

"keep your mouths open for any longer and you might be able to catch a fly or two," I said whilst grinning, they looked nervous for some weird reason and it made me sooooo uncomfortable. "you just, you just spoke like right now," Alex said making me roll my eyes "wow you have ears" I replied sarcastically. They didn't look too bothered about my sarcasm which made me think if they even liked me. 

"I need to go home right now" I rushed out. "why do you need to leave now it's just 10 right now, wouldn't you wanna stay a little longer and at least wait until you feel a little better before you go back home and you'd rather stay home with your family than hang out with the hottest people in town wow!" Eli said making me a little embarrassed even tho he was clearly joking. " i-it's just that I need to get home and I'll be fine don't worry about me and anyways you wouldn't want to be seen with me," I said looking down at my lap I was still wearing the clothes Ky let me borrow.

 "Hey don't you ever say that about yourself and we certainly don't care about what these motherfuckers have to say about us okayy and anyways you are coming to the mall with us no buts and if your parents have a problem with that then they are going to have to tell us okayy" Alex huffed in a cold tone out giving me goosebumps, I nodded at them then Kyle walked in with a big smile on his face making me look at him suspiciously.

"oh you are in for a treat today," he said enthusiastically with a wink. He came over to sit beside me on the bed and hugged me. He placed tiny kisses all over my face making me smile. "why were you in the rush to go home earlier? do you not wanna hang out with us?" Ky asked and I shook my head. "of course I wanna you guys, I just have to get home first okay" I responded with and he just nodded and started stroking my hair, the other guys were talking or just on their phones, that reminds me I need to save up for a phone. "hey babe, see when we're leaving I'm gonna drop you off at home to go change and then ill meet you outside of your house then well go off to the mall" oh god I know I won't be able to get my way so I just accepted what was going to happen next. "but you have to make me a promise that you won't enter my house what so ever and get it in mind that my house is not nearly as nice as yours ok" I said with the most serious face I could put on, he looked at me with a weird expression but shrugged his shoulders and promised he won't come in.

__________a little while later__________

"Okay, we are here, so just make sure your down in the next ten minutes" I nodded and kissed him on the cheek then left the car. I was so nervous to enter the house knowing that dad will probably beat me to a pulp when he finds out that I'm back and that I've stopped paying for things in the house. I took a deep breath and entered the house, I tried to tiptoe up the stairs but it looks like some motherfucker with their friends decided they want to cause some trouble today. "Look what slut decided to join us today" my father slurred out oh shit he has been drinking, but slut how the fuck am I a slut if I'm still a virgin that just doesn't make sense. I raised my eyebrow at them and tried to walk away but then I felt someone pulling my hair causing me to gasp, Gary was the one that pulled my hair, Gary is one of my dad's good friends and dad usually brings him over to watch football. Whenever dad and Gary get drunk they always make me the target and assault me both sexual assault and just physical beatings. 

Gary turned me over to face me and said "since you wanna slut around all night get. On. Your. Fucking. Knees. Now!" he said in a dangerously low tone, okay this is getting too much for me to handle I am not sucking a 50-year-old man's dick like what the fuck. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK NO, AND I AM DONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU HUH NOTHING THOUGHT AS FUCKIMG MUCH!" I shouted out to my dad instantly regretting it now that I've seen my dads face. "What the fuck did you just say!" he growled out whilst taking short and steady steps towards me.

*slap* "DONT YOU EVER SPEEK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU HEAR ME!" he screamed out causing me to flinch, I just nodded and turned to face the wall. My chest was heaving up and down trying to control my anger I turned over to the door but didn't make it out because some aggressive strong hands pulled me away by the waist and told me to shush which I complied to because I'm just too young to die. Gary's strong hands made their way up my tank top and I tried to get out of his hold but he was just too strong I started to cry and kick and punch but he didn't seem fazed at all. He put some kisses on the side of my neck and on my collarbone which made me cry even harder and kick even harder making him stop in his tracks. He smirked at me then threw me across the room causing hit the wall they walked over to me and started beating me. I was probably screaming like a mad man because my whole body was aching, they were stomping on my stomach and oh that hurt like a bitch. Black dots started to appear in my vision but I try my hardest to stay awake for ky.

"Hey what the fuck is going on here!" I heard a familiar voice shout and saw three figures stand before me. "GET THE FUCK OFF HER" someone growled out making everyone freezes and turn to him, my eyes were really swollen so I couldn't see who just said that but I might have ab idea of who it might have been.


I know this was a boring-ass chapter but you are gonna have to deal with it because the next chapter is going to be so much better. And I kina fucked up because I literally copied the prologue but gave Gary a different name for some reason but I really can't be bothered changing it so I'm just gonna leave it the way it is. ok I hope you guys liked that chapter and peace

Shoutouts:  vitaminyujin_  &  daddyhoseok1 

oh and if you want you can add my snap so we can be besties @eghexlourenco 

okay adios bestiessssss

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