She agrees!

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Sid waited for TWO whole days!! Ashi did not call...
He had started to think of talking to Jannat or Anushka...but he had some kind of feeling or faith...that Ashi will agree. It was this sort of feeling..
Finnaly he got a text from her...
It read...'Hey! About the role...when can I call you?'
He replied...'Anytime!!'
She immediately called...
The conversation went like this...
S: Hi
A: Hey!
S: made up your mind?
A: Yes....I am up for it!
(This made Sid happy!!)
S:Yay...I mean I am happy we got you in the team quite fast...
A: Only I am gonna need your help to do all the stunts and will help me know
S:ofcourse!(how could I refuse?)
A:OK then...bye
Ah! She asked him for help? Teach her? Oh...yessssssss...why was he so happy? He I catching feelings??
Nah! It is just happiness!!

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