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Siddharth, Ashi and Avneet sat down to talk to Abhinavi, while Vibha Aunty got some snacks for them.
She insisted that Vaish not help her as she was gonna be the new dulhan.
SidAshNeet were given the wedding planning duty.
"I literally can't believe how much fun this is gonna be!" Avneet said.
She considered Abhinavi as her older siblings. Sid knew that she shipped them from the start. And now that her dream of them getting married was turning to reality was just unbelievable for her.
Then once while Abhinavi and Vibha Aunty and Ashi were in the hall, he pulled Avneet to one side.
Sid: ok! I might sound weird saying this, but are you over me?
Avneet put her hands on his shoulder.
Avneet: Yes. I worked on myself. 2 years is not a joke.
Sid nodded.
Avneet: And I am happy for you. You totally deserve Ashi.  She is a brilliant girl. I really like her. I feel like I did the right choice by leaving.
Sid laughed.
Sid: So, if ever, in the future, I plan to propose Ashi, will you help me?
He told Avneet to be quiet.
Avneet seemed really excited.
Avneet: Aree! Ofcourse!

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