8 :: Oh Corpse of the Attic, What is Your Wisdom

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Published: August 7, 2021

Edited: May 26, 2022


Percy and I were in a state of shock. Even after everyone left the woods after capture the flag Percy and I stayed. We sat in the small creek, water soaking our legs and just thought. I thought over what this could mean for my future and what was going to happen next. Eventually the lights out horn was blown and it jolted me back to reality. I stood up and offered Percy my hand which he took gratefully. We started walking towards our cabins when I stopped and grabbed Percy's shoulder.

"Tomorrow we're probably going to have to move into the Poseidon Cabin." I told him. My voice was hoarse from not talking for so long. Percy glanced at the shadowy form of Cabin Three and nodded slowly.

"So I'll see you in the morning then?" He asked, his voice also scratchy. I nodded reluctantly but Percy didn't seem to see it. "What's that?" He asked me, pointing to the door of the Athena cabin.

I turned to look at the Athena cabin. Then I noticed something. Outside of the cabin door was a pile of stuff. Confused, Percy and I walked over to it. My stomach dropped when the light from the owl above the cabin door fell on a pile of clothes, soaps and on the very top, two glittering charm bracelets. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Lying in front of the pile were two pieces of paper. The first one was neatly folded and had nice handwriting. It had a small owl drawn on the front. I stumbled over and picked it up gingerly. I flipped it open.

'Dear Neridia Chase,

Due to your recent claiming we find that it would be inappropriate to allow you to continue residing in the Athena Cabin. We have taken the liberty of removing all personal items from your bunk. We also ask that you refrain from interacting with or trying to befriend us again. Your parentage has brought forth questions of your trustworthiness from many of us and so we have also removed any books or potential sources of knowledge that you have acquired from the camp and will return them properly. You are no longer an honorary Athena camper. We also hope that you would do us the service of keeping your volatile brother from causing further harm to the Ares cabin as it was unnecessary and extreme.

Sincerely, Cabin 6'

My entire body was shaking with rage. I wanted to break down the door and demand they return my books and let me talk to Annabeth but I forced myself to calm down. They really had the audacity to say that Percy was violent for defending himself against Clarisse. I stomped my foot and grit my teeth. I sniffled and mopped at the tears that I hadn't realized were flowing down my cheeks. Stupid Athena/Poseidon rivalry. Stupid Cabin Six. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Suddenly I felt a hand hesitantly patting my back. Percy was standing beside me. He looked so awkward trying to comfort a crying girl that I let out a watery chuckle.

"What does it say?" He asked quietly, still rubbing my back. I held out the letter to him.

Percy took the crumpled paper that I had clenched up in my fist and shook it out. His face grew increasingly sour as he read through the note. When he reached the end of the paper Percy paused, took his hand off my back and promptly tore the note into a thousand pieces. Then he threw them at the glowing owl lantern above the cabin door.

"They're all asses. I'm sorry that you had to go through that because of me." Percy said after he had done away with the paper. I sighed and went to go gather all of my things into my arms (seriously they didn't even have the decency to pack it away properly).

"It's alright Percy. I guess I'll just have to move into Cabin Three a bit earlier then expected." I murmured, trying to pick all of my clothes up at once. I kept failing and things dropped to the ground. Percy relented and picked up half of my things to help.

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