That stupid Nightmare

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(A/N) Just a reminder, The ages for all the characters in this story besides scary puppet and the Freddles are 15-17. The proper ages that correspond to these characters are:

Nightmare: 17

N.Fred-bear: 15

N.Chica: 16

N.Bonnie: 15

N.Foxy: 17

N.Freddy: 17

N.BB: 16

Freddles: 12-13

Scary puppet: 25

N.Mangle: 16

There you go. The ages and whateva. Now screw that and lets get into the story.)

N.Fred-Bear Pov:


"Ugh" I thought to myself as my alarm clock went off. "ALRIGHT IM UP BE QUIET ALREADY" I unoticably smacked the alarm clock, which fell off other my dresser. Needles to say, i went with it. In pain and annoyanance, I dragged my sleepy body to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, combed my untamable, long golden hair and took a shower.  After my shower, I pulled back my hair into a low ponytail, only then realizing that my face didn't really match up with my hair. 

  I have Heterochromia iriduim. That means my eyes are different colors. My left eye is black, while the other is red.  My hair fell lightly over my face, with my bangs angled to the side, falling slightly over my left cheek. My mouth, the top lip fuller then the bottom, giving me a permanent pout.  And then you have my hair. Long and gold, was tied back into a ponytail down to the middle of my back. 

My hair and eyes come from my father, while my mouth and figurine come from my mother. Iv'e got feminine curves for a waist, and skinny legs. If you ask me, I look nothing like a boy, but more of a teenage girl. The only thing that i have that a boy would have is the fact i'm flat as hell, and my no no square.   After getting ready, i ran my ass to class because i was so late. 

( i know that this photo don't match the description, but its the only one i could find)

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( i know that this photo don't match the description, but its the only one i could find)

In class*

Nightmares's Pov

I was talking with the other nightmares when I saw the class nerd run in the room, 10 minutes late. "oi nerd why are you late, your always early?" I asked him in pure  confusion. " oh wow... I'm suprised that you care Nightmare." He said in a sarcastic tone. 

Me, being pissed at this grabbed the coller of his shirt and whisperd in his ear, "Don't try me, i will MURDER you". He began to shake out of im guessing fear. "Y-yes n-nightmare" I was proud of my self. when i looked down at him though, he was sweating and about 50 shades of red. Shit, he was redder then foxy if that's even possible. 

Fred-bears Pov

"That stupid nightmare" I mumbled to myself, hoping the black bear didn't hear me. Nightmare is like 6'11 and i'm only 4'2. so yea, i have multiple reasons to be scared of him. But i also like him. Hes sweet, when he wants to be. And he was kind to his friends and to teachers.  

I shoock these incompetent thoughts out my head, as i sat down waiting for Nightmarionne-chan to start the lesson. 

(behind the scene)

Me: Noice guys

N.Fredboi: Why'd you write me so damn shy?

Nightmare: Cuz you are

Me: Both of shut the hell up! 

Both of them: sorry cassidy 

Well guys I hope you enjoy the first chapter of the story! quick question:

Should i do a smut chapter later? answer in the comments.

Cassidy out!!!!!!

My cute little bear ( Nightmare X Nightmare fredbear)Where stories live. Discover now