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A/N: Yooooooo Whats up guys? Im sorry i havent updated in a minute.  But ill try to when i can cuz school and quarintine is a pain in the butt.  

Fred-bears pov

"ugh" i thought as the teacher began to drone on and on about shit i didn't  care about.  Blah blah this and blah blah that. Like i give a damn.

   I began to zone out, and my mind slipped over to thinking about Nightmare.  I just don't know whats been going on with me. Every time that i see him, my heart beats faster, My face feels hotter, and I begin to sweat too much. I was going around in my head when the teacher called on me. "huh" i said not knowing the question. "what is half of a number squared?" Nightmareione asked "uhh is it that same number divided by 2?" "Correct" 

About an hour and a half later,  we were aloud to leave but i wasn't done with my nightmare crap just yet. 

Narrator pov

Nightmare and his friends cornered goldie in the hall way. that told he couldn't leave until he apologized for being a nuisence. 

He refused to, and when he did, Nightmare picked him up by his shirt and said "Listen you little nerd, you better listen to me or else."

Nightmares pov

This kid was really pushing my buttons. He wouldn't obey me like normal, and he was all red and shit. Was he blushing? Not like i cared but still. "ive told you, your not the boss of me so no-" I guess he realized that i was the only one there cuz the others dipped or somethin. 

"What was that?" 

" I uh uhm ..."

" speak you nerd"

"Never mind i'm sorry "

HEYYYY guys i know it took me a month but im back. and uh well quraintine and shit. But ill keep on updateing. PLz read this. ;-; 

CASSIDY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cute little bear ( Nightmare X Nightmare fredbear)Where stories live. Discover now