Part V - Sleepover

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Its the day of the sleepover. Jessica and Rebecca are arriving here in fifthteen minutes. We are finishing of my room for the sleepover I wrote on my T-shirt that they both got me as a joke and its gonna be for jokes and their signature. They're after arriving and mammy had the dinner done just in time we are having coscus and curry ( mine and friends favorite dinner). We ate all of our dinner and had chocolate fudge cake for dessert.

We went up to my room and blasted the music, but not to loud because I have a seven month old sister called Tara. We wrote on the T-shirt and we put a picture if it when we had it finished we put a picture of it on snapchat on my story saying 'I'm gunna miss these times luv ye xox❤' We went to bed at 12am and watched a few movies, we didn't sleep until 4am. We were wrecked in the morning but hay ho we had fun! They also are allowed to stay over tonight AGAIN thank God! We have a Chinese for dinner and we do the same as the other night except go to sleep two hours earlier.

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