𝑇𝑊𝐸𝑁𝑇𝑌 𝑂𝑁𝐸~ 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑠𝑒

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After hurriedly packing up our small camp, we were back on the path. Following Dugal's powerful final words to us, we headed in the direction of the meadow and the mountain range. Silence fell over us as we scurried through the forest, alert and cautious of the search party that was hunting us.

We broke through the trees and had reached the meadow. Callum left the safety of the forest first, and after searching the sky for suspicious activity, he declared that the coast was clear. Arlo scooped up Nola and placed the small girl onto his shoulders.

We darted through the meadow at a jog, keeping our heads ducked and ears attentive. Flee to the mountains. I tried to comprehend Dugal's message as the range drew nearer. Perhaps Sarosa was surrounded by the mountain range, rather than a daunting wall like Mada?

Within mere minutes, we reached the base of the mountain, and I hardly noticed when the ground below my feet changed from lush grash to gray rock. Arlo gently set Nola onto her feet, and took her hand in his. He held his other hand out for me to hold, which I took in a heartbeat. I studied the mountain as we began to climb it. Callum and Sariah lead the way, hand in hand as well. I quickly realized that unlike Mount Sallow, this mountain was smooth and the slope was gradual, rather than steep. Having experienced climbing a mountain just hours before, I feared that it would be as difficult as Callum's challenge had been. I was mistaken however, as we ascended this mountain with ease and grace.

Through the fear, fatigue, and ongoing concern of the search party, my friends and I shared feelings of accomplishment and hope. Freedom was close, we could all feel it. Even young Nola had an eager look in her eyes, and I could tell she too understood the vastitude of our journey. Every challenge, defeat, accomplishment, and struggle had led up to that very day on the mountain.

After hours of walking, I noticed that the slope had steepened slightly, and we finally in began to approach the peak. Almost at the mountain's highest point, I saw the picturesque ridge. From this altitude, the world seemed to have shifted in front of my eyes. The soft, foggy clouds were closer, and the air felt more damp and cool. The sun crept over a distant ridge, casting a golden glow over the mountains and patches of trees and plants.

I gently released my hand from Arlo's grasp and began to dash up the mountain at an uncharacteristic speed, driven by overwhelming desire. Everyone hurried behind me, but I still reached the top of the mountain before them, nearly stumbling to the ground as I slammed to a halt.

My breath flew out of me as I saw the new world in front of me. It felt as though my imagination was being painted in front of my eyes, as I saw the city that had kept me awake at night for so many years.

Standing almost as high as the mountains, I could see striking buildings with hundreds of windows, and varying in many shapes and sizes. Shops, apartments, and eateries caught my eyes, their vivid colours blinding as the sun. Colourful lights and technology flashed excitedly through the city, adding to the unbelievable picture. An intricate track wove through the city, supported by beams and standing higher than some of the buildings, creating the perfect path for multiple speeding trains. Beyond the city, I could see small but astonishing houses going on for miles. In the distance, a beautiful and immense body of water shone in the sunlight, surrounding the incredible scene. Joy radiated from the city, and an unimaginable sense of bliss shot through me. I could hardly believe my eyes.

I could hear the gasps of my friends as they reached the peak, and took their first glimpse of our new home. I felt dizzy as the gentle breeze echoed in my ears. My entire life had led up to that very moment.

I finally broke the stunned silence, "it's incredible," I breathed. I tore my eyes away from the city and turned to face my friends.

"We did it," Callum stated, a grin of sheer joy spreading onto his stunned face.

"Of course we did," Sariah said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. We both had silent tears of joy rolling down our cheeks, and shared looks of disbelief. I threw my arms around her, and we hugged as the surreal events played out around us. Our dream had come true. I watched as Arlo and Callum hugged, patting each other firmly on the back. Sariah and I pulled Nola into our embrace, and we both chuckled at the excited expression on her little face. I hugged my brother next, and then finally Arlo. As he held me close, he whispered gently into my ear, "I love you." I smiled at the ground, pulling away from him. I looked deeply into his eyes, and responded, "I love you too." Then, his lips connected with mine.

After experiencing lives where the world seemed to be against us, we had succeeded. Together, we had overcome the enormous odds against us. We had done more than prove that we were worthy of freedom, we had earned it.

Still entranced by its beauty, we eventually made our way towards our new home.

𝑇𝑅𝐴𝑃𝑃𝐸𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝐹𝑅𝐸𝐸𝐷𝑂𝑀Where stories live. Discover now