[Ch.9] Livitz Sizuki vs. Izakai Senshi

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"I need a nap," Livitz muttered, plopping down in the empty seat by Midoriya.

Midoriya gazed up from his notebook to hand her a bottle of water. "Nice job battling Kirishima. Didn't think you'd use your acidic venom though," he commented.

Livitz leaned on the railing, observing the commencing match in the arena. "It was a last resort. With a broken wrist and scarce water supply, I decided to bite the bullet and use it." She glanced over to Midoriya, humored by him adding to his notes of her strategy and technique.

"How do you think this match will go?" Livitz directed her attention to the two competitors on the field, Izakai Senshi and Neito Monoma.

Midoriya flipped through his notebook, stopping on Senshi's page to help brainstorm a possible outcome of the match. "I don't know much about Senshi, but she seems to have a generic water-based quirk." He rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how the match would play out.

Livitz's eyes trailed from Senshi's small figure on the field to a close-up shot of the brunette's face on the broadcasting screen. Examining Senshi's features, Livitz raised a brow at the grimace replacing her typically neutral expression and was curious to know what tipped her off to look that way.

However, with closer inspection, the blonde's attention was drawn to Senshi's competitor on the opposing end of the field, Neito Monoma.

His presence radiated a collected, mellow aura. From one hand in his right pocket to his relaxed, but upright posture, Monoma didn't seem fazed by Senshi's cold scowl.

He seemed rather amused by it all.

"Start!" Present Mic commenced, following a three-second countdown. Shockingly, Monoma darted for Izakai. His fist tight and eager to swing, Izakai cut him off by flinging water at him.

In the stands, Livitz smirked at Izakai's defense, but it faded at two massive hands wrapping around the brunette to restrict her movement. "His quirk makes his hands big?" Livitz commented, glancing over at Midoriya to see what he thought. "That is possible, but there's a chance his quirk could make any limb larger," he replied, mindlessly murmuring as he scribbled down more notes.

Livitz chuckled at Midoriya, humored by his mumbling banter. "Whoa!? Monoma almost threw Izakai out of bounds! What a wild match, yo!" Izakai trembled to stand up but was blown back by Monoma waving his hands side-to-side to create a wind to keep her at bay.

Although Monoma's words weren't picked up by the microphones broadcasting the battle, his words visibly affected Izakai when she started yelling back at him. Waving her own hands around, Izakai started to formulate something nobody expected to see in the U.A. Sports Festival.

A legitimate weapon.

A longsword.

"Bloody hell. She's drawing a sword on him?" Livitz whispered, shocked by the choice, but applauding her for creativity.

Pausing his whirlwind attack, Monoma seemingly monologued on Izakai's weapon choice, shocked she'd chosen it as well. "I hate that we can't hear their commentary," Livitz muttered, feeling put off by the "silence" between the two competitors.

"Considering their facial expressions, their conversation seems to be heated." Midoriya paused on his note-taking to observe the battle, refusing to miss a single thing.

Izakai stood straight and drew back her sword. Stepping forward, the brunette set off in an ambitious sprint to take down Monoma.

Once, and for all.


Livitz glanced up at Iida, biting back the smile craving to curl at her lips. "Are you alright, Tenya?" She asked, biting her tongue to hold back the small giggle.

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