Chapter 13

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It's currently 5:00 pm in the afternoon and Rachel has no idea what to do with herself. She finished the crappy bottle of cheap tequila at around 2 o'clock and she doesn't even feel slightly buzzed. All she wanted to do was numb the pain and the universe suddenly decided that today of all days would be the best time to increase her alcohol tolerance. So needless to say, she was mad!

She's been eyeing the bottle of vodka for two hours now, wondering if she should just get it over with and hope that this one has an effect on her body. But something inside of her has been telling her not to drink it, a little annoying voice that she desperately wants to ignore, but she can't. Rachel has no idea of why she shouldn't drink it, she's been actually trying to come up with any reasonable explanation that could explain why. But she can't find any, she knows this might drag her into bad habits but today is not the day to think about that, today is the days in which she feels the most need to numb her pain away using alcohol.

All the rambling and questioning is making her feel a headache, which only makes her want to drink even more. She is grateful though, all the rambling and questioning has actually managed to distract her from thinking about all the reasons of why her life sucks.

After watching another horrible movie in her crappy tv, she was actually thinking about going to sleep in hopes of escaping her thoughts, she was seconds from turning the tv of when the universe decided to torture her more. The news came on started showing pictures of the events that occured in Sokovia a year ago, how they got the pictures is a totally different story. She was fighting back tears until they showed a picture of her brother, he was death in his arms and she was holding him, all of the avengers watching in the distance. The picture was taken from pretty far away so she couldn't actually see his face, but that image manage to take her back into that moment, the moment where her innocent, baby, brother was taken from her, and she broke.

...He had just put Mia on a seat, he was about to help me get on when I heard a familiar voice screaming.


I turned around in disbelief, I had finally found him.

"LUCAS! LUCAS IS IT YOU!?" I couldn't see him clearly until the dust cleared up. At that moment I had forgotten about how tired I was and I ran towards him as fast as I could. I was so happy, I pulled him into the tightest of hugs, I was afraid I'd kill him from how tight I was holding him. I didn't notice the blood on his clothes until I pulled away.

He collapsed right in my arms, he was shot, "LUCAS!" I screamed in disbelief. I could hear my heart beating at what felt like a million beats a minute, I seriously thought my heart was about to explode.

The arrow man seemed to have run after me, he was going to try to get me into one of the busses but he stopped at the sight of Lucas in my arms.

"Lucas, what happened?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I was looking for you so that Charlie could come home too. I missed you! I didn't see the robot I swear, please don't be mad", he said weakly, even as he was dying he still had that innocent look on his face, looking up at me.

"Mad? You know I could never get mad at my favorite little boy" I exclaimed, trying to be strong for him with all of my heart.

"But what do you mean so Charlie could come back? He's not with you?" I tried to use the sweetest most optimistic voice I could think of, but it still sounded scared and sad anyway.

"He was worried about you because you didn't come back so he went to find you while I stayed with Mrs. Moskiovisc, but then I wanted to go and find you too so I left. I knew it! I knew you'd find me, Rach!". I pushed back any tears that would try to leave my eyes, I didn't like him to see me cry.

"Of course I'd find you, don't you ever doubt that for a minute, okay?", I asked, he simply nodded.

I hadn't realized that everyone had gone quiet, they were just looking over at me, while my brother died in my arms. "Lucas you really need to tell me where it hurts so I can make you better okay"

"But it doesn't, it doesn't hurt Rachel" I knew what that meant, there was nothing that anyone could do for him anymore. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore as they started to uncontrollably fall down my face.

"Rach? Am I going to die?" he asked, his voice was getting weaker and weaker by the second.

"Yes Luke, but don't be scared, okay. You're going to heaven, I promise you that you'll be okay and you know that I never go back on a promise...

...Just get some rest now, okay?".

"What's going to happen?"

"Well... You're going to fall asleep and when you wake up, you're going to meet mom and dad! Remember how you always asked Charlie and me what they were like, you'll finally see for yourself! And you'll get candy and chocolates and it'll always be like a snow day. And before you know it Charlie and I are going to meet you up there so we can be together again! That sounds nice doesn't it?" It was breaking me not to break at this moment. I could feel him dying in my arms.

"Lucas, I love you okay. Promise me you'll never forget".

He couldn't bring himself to speak so instead, he gave me his sweetest smile while he closed his eyes and let out his last breath.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I screamed.

She didn't even notice the tears that were uncontrollably falling, she had no control anymore, the grief and pain that she felt this morning was multiplied by a hundreth, and she wanted nothing more than to make it stop.

She furiously turned the damn TV off, nearly breaking it in the process. She must've been in some sort of trance because one second she was in her living room, and the next she was watching her baby brother die in her arms, again!!!

Pain, grief, and anger were the only things she could feel, last time at least she had the avengers to help her get over his death. The team helped distracting her from thinking about it, as if it was their mission to do so, and Pietro... He would actually encourage her to cry and talk about him. He reassured her that it'd be okay if she broke down because he was there and he would help her get back together, and he did.

But now, now she was alone and there was no one that could bring her back together. There was only one more thing that could hopefully make her not feel the way she did at that moment. She made a bee-line towards the bottle of vodka and quickly took three large gulps. The fact that she actually felt the fuzziness in her brain starting to develop only encouraged her to drink more.

Little did she know that she'd be seeing them again, tonight. She'd be seeing him in a couple of hours. And maybe, maybe, things might've actually gotten better if she didn't open that damn bottle of vodka.

But honestly, who could blame her? The only thing she wanted was to forget about the pain she was feeling, even if it was just for a few hours. And since they weren't here to help her this time around, she didn't find any other solution than to drink.

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