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I then wake up in a dark room with no windows. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness and see nothing. I rose from the pillow and grabbed my head, causing me to groan. I heard something move in front of me.  I look up and see a tall figure. I move back a bit  and the tall figure comes a bit closer to the bed. He reaches his hand out to touch me but I swat it away with my hand. He chuckles a bit and steps back. I make a puzzles face, confused and worried at the same time.

"Your not much to talk, aren't you??" he asked. I look to the door and say nothing. He then sighs and walks towards the bed once again. I backed up, letting my back hit the wall. He chuckles softly, and retches his hand forward again, trying to touch me. I look at the wall trying to find a way to get out of this situation but I can't.

He touches the top of my head feeling my hair. He then grabs a hand full and and yanks it towards him. I yelp, and try to get out of his grip. I try to scream, but he covers my mouth with is free hand and whispers. "Stop moving. I'll just be a second.". I then try to punch him in the face but I miss. He takes his hand off of my mouth. takes both of my hands and ties them behind my back. I continue to squirm as he takes a needle and pokes it into my arm. I yelp in surprise and don't move. 

He smirks and say "So you hate needles?" I don't respond and look away. He sighs again and takes some of my blood. He takes the needle out of my arm and puts the cap on it. He lets go of my hair and unties me. I stay there in shock that he took my blood. "W-Why an I here??" I ask shyly. 

"Finally you talked." He jokes. "Your here because I want something from you." He covers my mouth and nose with a cloth that has a drug init. I start to get sleepy. The last thing I heard form him was "Sleep well, Princess." And he chuckles. And soon after I was asleep.

Hayo!! So sorry that I have not posted in a while!! I've been trying to catch up with school and homework!! I'll try to post as much next week cause I'm in quarantine cause SOMEONE IN MY CLASS GOT COVID AGAIN!!! Anyways, hope that you all have a good day/night/sleep!! Heres my tik tok axis.weeb . Bye!!

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