𝗌𝗈𝗎𝗅 𝖾𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗇.

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The Nakatsuka Clan was special . In the Heian period they were apart of multiple clans that were considered soul eaters, they were know for the inhumane way of exorcising curse.

It was common for both the men and women to be apart of the Jujutsu world, but most woman chose not to. Being part of the four major clans alongside the Zenin, Kamo, and Gojo they shared many Nobel treaties between them.

Many didn't know the reason the Clan was able to use a shadow technique was due to the fact they were cursed. The curse had started when multiple children of the clan were born to witches, which resulted in black blood flowing in their lives.

One winter morning the Nakatsukada clan disappeared, the estates were found empty with the clan crest being torn off every wall. Some say they had debts with many other clans and couldn't find a way to pay them off, so they ran away.

Their sudden disappearance caused a population outburst of curses.

After the taisho period every soul eater had gone extinct.

Their shadow techniques made them valuable in many ways. Known for being the Clan with the purest blood they were the only ones able to fully obtain any shadow but of course those who had gained the technique through a scroll could only use barley half of its potential.

Through the years not a single person carried their technique, last name, or blood. The elders searched throughout Japan but were out of luck.

Until one day a pair of siblings had wandered off from their parents and found themselves being followed, thinking the creatures they saw were only a sort of illusion they payed no mind when they would reach out to them.

But it wasn't a curse, it was a group of elders that had spotted them, special pair of siblings.
They noticed the way they used their shadows to hide from the curses near them. They saw the way they ate the curses soul. One of them almost fainted when he saw them.

The Nakatsuka clan were the last of their kind


English isn't my first language, my mum is from Brazil and my dad is from France. I was born and raised here in Troyes France. I grew up speaking both Portuguese and French I learned english from my studies and when I went to the States for a program I'm still learning! Feedback is always welcome (Good feedback please)😥

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