Human Icicle

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-Alices POV-

//February 1945.

I and Howard have been dating for several months now, and I just moved into his house, "miss Barnes there's a letter for you," Jarvis, Howards Buttler, says coming into my lab, "thanks Jarvis," I say taking

Mrs. Barnes,

I regret to inform you that your brother died.                                             

"no," I say sitting on the bed tears falling down my face, "Bucky, no." "Hey, Howard is that cyro chamber of yours working?" I say going down to his lab, "ya, but I wouldn't suggest freezings yourself." He meant this as a joke but I was planning to do just that. I wrote a letter to Howard explaining everything, I go down to the lab and get into the machine, I'm crying so much, but I need a fresh start, I turn it on and freeze.

//December 2012

-Tony's POV-

"Why didn't you tell me?" Steve asks me angrily, I turn around putting down the blaster I'm working on, I'm not sure why he's asking me this, "didn't tell you what?" I say grabbing some blueberries. "About Alice!" He says angrily, who is Alice? "Who the hell is Alice?!" I say "the woman you have in cyro." He says, now I remember the woman, I remember my father explaining that we cannot take her out of cyro until they find Captain America's body. "Oh, her, we actually should take her out of cyro soon." I say, "I'm guessing you know her?" I say sitting down. "Ya, I know her! She was my best friend's sister." He says sitting across from me, ok now that's complicated.

//two weeks later.

-Alices POV-

I wake up in a small room, I see Steve sleeping in a chair next to me, I don't remember much. "S-Steve?" I say shaking him. He jerks up and looks at me he smiles at me and rubs my chest "hey Alice," "w-what happened?" I say looking worried, a man walks in "I see the human icicle is awake." He says sitting on the end of the bed, he reminds me of Howard a bit. "What happened?" I repeat. Steve explains everything to me, the man also introduces himself as Howard's son, Tony Stark.

//March 2016

-Alices POV-

I've missed Brooklyn, sure it's a little different than the last time I lived here but it's home. I get to my apartment, I hear my record player playing one of my 40's records. I quietly grab a gun walking into the living room, "You know, you don't have good taste in music." Tony says putting down a beer. I slowly lower the gun "what are you doing here Tony?" I say, "you really don't watch the news, do you?" he says about to take another sip, but I take the beer from him, I did buy it after all. "Nah, it gets boring," I say drinking the beer and sitting on my couch, he takes out his phone and projects a news article onto the wall. There's a picture of bucky on the front, the title is 'Winter Soldier bombs the UN' "what the hell?" I say as I read the article, "this can't be right." I say looking at Tony, "unfortunately it is," Tony says "and Steve has decided to help him." I sigh as I grab a bottle of vodka, "And you want me to help you find them." I say taking a huge swig of vodka, "well yes, so will you help?" he says, he smiles at me, but I can see it's fake. "No way Tony, sorry but your out of luck." I'm not about too betray my brother and best friend like that, no matter what they did. "But," he try's too protest, "no buts, I'm not gonna get involved." I say escorting him out.

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