Waking up

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I woke up, a pain was running all over my body, wires came out of my wrists attached to a saline bag.

Miss smiled as she realised I was awake, she passed me a bottle of water which I sipped cautiously. I asked her how long I'd been out, 2 weeks!! She told me that they were waiting for my condition to stabilise and be conscious before they did a scan.

As they wheeled me to the maternity ward I thought about how I had got pregnant, I had been to only one party and that was a physics after exam party and I had only had half a glass of drink. I hadn't done anything else exuberant, there was no chance I was pregnant.

As they rubbed jelly over my swollen stomach miss held my hand. They put the ultrasound scanner on my stomach and the doctor stopped in shock. She went and called in another doctor they both stood over the scanner, the second doctor turned and faced me then spoke, congratulations you're having triplets! My hand tensed as I squeezed miss' hand.

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