To Love is To Lose

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There are no ships in this please don't take anything that way. If there are any triggers I missed please let me know so I can fix it. Also sorry this chapter is a little shorter.

Possible triggers


Tommy never understood why Wilbur did the things he did. When they were younger he was always hidden away in his room not wanting to be bothered.

"Wilbur please. I'm bored and your the only other person home." Tommy whined to his older brother.

"That's not my problem. Go play with Tubbo or something." Wilbur said going back to his guitar and plunking some notes quietly.

"He isn't home." Tommy said crossing his arms and standing in front of Wilbur's door.

"I don't care just get out." Wilbur said looking at his brother.

"Fine." Huffed Tommy as he left the room closing the door behind him.

To Tommy it seemed his brother was just being a bitch and not wanting to spend time with him. For days he asked Wilbur to spend time with him but every time he said no. But for Wilbur he was busy making a song for Tommy's birthday and he didn't want him to hear it.

Tommy never got to hear the song because Wilbur's guitar broke and he couldn't get it fixed in time so the song became forgotten.

When the new nation was formed Wilbur sat him down one day and told him he couldn't go with him on their trip.

"What the fuck man we have had this planned for weeks and you cancel on me now?" Tommy said anger lacing his voice.

"I'm sorry Tommy but I have things to do."

"Fuck off I don't want to hear it." Tommy left his brother and went to the bench.

To Tommy this was just his brother blowing him off again for his stupid 'responsibilities' that he has now. But for Wilbur he was finding a way for Tommy to go home and see their dad and brother.

It never happened because soon after there was a war in which Tommy insisted on fighting in.

At the time of the election Wilbur seemed so worried about losing power that he wouldn't even talk to Tommy.

"Wilbur please will you listen to my for once!" Tommy said grabbing Wilbur's arm and forcing him to look at his younger brother.

"What Tommy I'm busy I-"

"Have a fucking election to prepare for. That's bullshit you have been planning for weeks. WEEKS. and you still can't take one minute out if your day to talk to me." Tommy was beyond mad now but Wilbur just brushed him off.

"I have to go. If you want to talk to me that bad come to my office later." And with that Wilbur left his little brother standing on the path. What Wilbur didn't see were the tears forming on his eyes.

Tommy never went to see his brother that night. If Wilbur couldn't take time out of his day to see him then he wouldn't either. Wilbur sat there rubbing his eyes because he knew there was a chance they wouldn't win the election and if they didn't he knew the outcome would be bad. He didn't want Tommy to see his fear.

The worst thing Tommy ever went through with his brother is when he realized he was going insane.

Wilbur was shoving TNT at Tommy and bragging about the destruction that would be done.

"But that's our home Wilbur. My home. Why blow it all up?"

"They couldn't give two shits about us now. Let's blow it up our problems will be gone then." Wilbur smiled before adding. "I will do it. With, or without, your help."

Tommy sat in bed that night wondering where his brothers life went wrong. He couldn't understand how his brother could destroy everything they loved. That he loved.

Wilbur stayed up all night placing TNT under what used to be his nation. He wanted to keep Tommy safe and he knew that power corrupted people. He knew that Tommy wouldn't be able to handle that job. No one could handle it. He was going to make sure no one ever went through that pain again.

A few days went by and Tommy watched as the nation he loved went up in flames and exploded. He watched as his brother died at the hands of his father.

He wanted to scream but Tubbo needed him. He needed to defend what little of his home was left.

That night Tommy walked around until he found a clearing in the woods. Not just any clearing though. It was one that their family had camped at a few times. He went and sat down in the grass pulling his knees to his chest and letting out a sob.

Wilbur left him and he never for a chance. He never got a chance to say I'm sorry. He never got a chance to spend a night taking with him. He never got the chance to say I love you.

Tommy cried not because he lost his brother but because it takes loosing him to realize how much he loved him.


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