Chapter 11: OFF TO THE RACES

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We four- Fiona, Mom, Marie Laveau, and myself - sat at the small table in the kitchen, watching the news on the tv tell of the horror that happened to the shop.

We four- Fiona, Mom, Marie Laveau, and myself - sat at the small table in the kitchen, watching the news on the tv tell of the horror that happened to the shop

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"It's my fault. All of it. I told him I was filing for divorce. He was so angry. He was determined to be a hero. He had this look on his face. I should've seen it."

"It's not your fault, Mom. I should've killed him when I had my chance."

"Your girl's right." Marie Laveau spoke up, "It ain't on you. It's on me. I hired him"

"What are you talking about?" Mom asked.

"Your husband was a Witch Hunter. Showed up at my place, runnin' his mouth about how he been killing witches his whole life. About how he had all this access, how his mother-in-law was the Supreme." Marie turned to Fiona, "He hated your ass. But he gave me a fair price, so...."

Fiona got up and walked further into the kitchen.

Seeing the shock on Mom's face, Marie elaborated "You were my sworn enemy."

"You hired him to kill me?" Mom questioned, "To kill my girls?"

Marie nodded "But he was too soft on you, he couldn't do it. He was tryin' to protect you, all right. From me. Lucky for y'all, he was a stone fool."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Fiona turn around. She quickly walked over and back handed Mom in the face.

"You're not just blind, you are willfully blind! You married Hank to prove some childish point and brought a viper into this sacred house."

I stepped in between them "That's enough, Fiona." I summoned my magic and the red mist coiled around my fingers.

"You dare to go against the Supreme?" Fiona said in an authoritative voice, trying to get me to back down.

"If you hit my Mom again, I just might."

Marie got up and separated us, "It's all water under the bridge now, mama." She tried to pull my Mom up from the floor.

Fiona wasn't finished. "Hank was not some lone assassin with a grudge. Witch Hunters never act alone. They are part of an ancient order of men whose sole purpose is to rid the world of witches. Black or White. Now.. We don't have to waste our time with worker bees. What we have to do is find the hive."

Just then the doorbell rang, Fiona left us to get it. Mom was sniffling her cries. I was checking to make sure she wasn't bleeding, when I felt a particular witch's magic.

"The White Witch is here."

Fiona, Misty, and I sat in the living room, while Stevie Nicks played the piano and sang her song 'Rhiannon'. Nan, Zoe, and Madison entered a little bit later. Misty spun around in a circle as Stevie finished her song. It was good to see Misty happy. Stevie gave Misty the shawl she had on and I thought that Misty would explode from joy. Stevie ended her visit and later that day Fiona, Marie and my Mom set up a plan to destroy the Witch Hunters.

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