7- Shift

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I went to sleep that night at around four-thirty in the morning. I didn't expect to wake up an hour later in immense pain.

My eyes flung open at the feeling of heat all over my body. My bones felt like they were breaking in every way possible.

A strangled cry immersed from my lips and tears clouded my eyes. I was struggling to breathe, the familiar weight on my chest appearing. I was sobbing, and I tried to get up. Bad idea. The pain ignited. A loud cry left my lips as I fell back down.

I couldn't breathe. I was gasping and sobbing and panicking. I tried to ignore the pain as I slugged over to the bathroom where I kept that inhaler the doctor gave me. I found it and with wobbly hands, I took off the cap and put it to my lips. I followed her instructions and pushed down so the medicine could come in and tried, tried to slow my breathing.

It wasn't working and I threw it on the tiled grown. My fingernails felt like they were breaking, and another loud cry left my lips. My body was on fire and I tried to pull off my pants, but again, any movement I did amounted to more pain.

I felt claustrophobic, I didn't know what was happening. With my heavy breathing and pounding headache, I didn't hear the door burst open and the footsteps coming into the bathroom.

The light flickered on and through my teary eyes, Alpha Derek was standing there. He rushed over to me and kneeled.

"Flower, are you okay? What's wrong?" He rushed out and my only answer was my sob. I heard as he called for Beta Mallory. He reached his hand in his pocket and pulled out a phone. He was speaking quickly into it when Beta Mallory stumbled in.

"Der- Violet?" He voiced- confused.

He also kneeled beside me, along with Alpha Derek. Feeling squashed, I tried to back away, a grunt escaped my throat.

Beta Mallory reached out to grab me, I flinched away. He barely touched my arm and the feeling of a hundred knives pierced through my skin. A pained grunt left my lips at the motion.

Next thing, Doctor Reseda was in the room as well. She took-

My leg cracked. I squeezed my eyes shut as a small yelp came out.

"She's shifting..." Doctor Reseda declared. Alpha Derek whipped his head to her.

"The fuck do you mean?" He raised his voice to her.

"Alpha, remember I told you. She hasn't shifted yet..." She reminded him.

"Fuck..." Alpha Derek trailed. "It's okay, Flower," he whispered so only I could hear it.

"Just breathe, Violet." Beta Mallory attempted to soothe me. Attempted.

My sobs were harder. Another leg cracked.

"Just give her space." Doctor Reseda demanded.

The next few moments happened in a blur. Everything in me cracked. It freaking hurt. My clothes were torn, I felt my skin sprouting up hair. I closed my eyes.

When they opened back up, my vision seemed sharper. I shifted. I got my wolf. I looked down and was met with brown paws that matched the color of my hair.

I laid on the ground. My eyes quickly glazed over them. Beta Mallory had a surprised look on his face; Doctor Reseda has a concerned look on her face. My gaze made it over to Alpha Derek, his look was cold, his emotions not trespassing. I quickly glanced back down.

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