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Elijah's POV

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Elijah's POV

As soon as I arrive at my house, I get inside quickly without being noticed. The living hall was fully surrounded by darkness. Walking on my tip-toes so that no one hears me, but suddenly something collides with my ankle and I fall on the floor. What was that?

“Hi, Bro.” A familiar voice reaches my ear and all lights are switched on. Fucking great! I finally got up from the floor and noticed that everyone was woken up.

“Hello, my beautiful family,” I say, smiling like an idiot, but no one speaks a single word. All of them are staring at me. They seem rather pissed.

“Where were you at this hour?” My mom speaks finally, making me sweat.

“Umm... I was out jogging.” I reply, trying my best to stay calm.

“Elijah, don't lie. Who goes jogging in their car? Also, you are not in your tracksuit.” Dad says, glaring at me like I was his prey.

“I told you, Dad. It was nothing...”

“You are still lying. We know that you went to Avery's house. Someone also tried to shoot you at her house.” Lara says, interrupting our talk.

“What the hell! How do you know that?”

“Eli, I'm your womb mate. So, I know everything about you. I also may have put a tracker in your car.” She smirks.


“Lower your voice, young man. You can't scream at your younger sister.” Mom says, folding her hands on her chest.

“Mom, She is only 5 minutes younger than me...” I whine.

“She is still your younger sister. Now, tell us about the person who tried to shoot you.” Mom asks curiously because I know she will play her Assassin card now.

I sigh deeply and then say, “Fine...”


Coming back from my company, I was so damn exhausted. As soon as I showered and changed into my pyjamas, my phone started ringing.

When I checked the caller ID, it showed me that it was an unknown private number. I was hesitating to pick up the call, but finally, I picked up the call.

Well, well... if it's not the infamous Elijah Veneto, the heir of the Italian Mafia and CEO of Veneto Industries...” An unknown but husky and cold voice comes from the other line.

Who the fuck is this?

Relax, Mr Veneto. Calm your temper. Also, who doesn't know you?

Don't fuck with me. Now, tell me the reason behind calling me from a private number.

Shit! Where are my manners? I'm Callan Lorenzo...

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