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The sounds of skateboards hitting concrete echoed around you and Robby as you walked by. It had become a common accurce for the both of you to be walking around town. The two of you had gotten closer as your best friend Sam had taken some time off. You barely saw her anymore, just at the dojo. You knew she had been hanging out with the Cobra a lot more but you were still ok with it. She was your best friend and she could have more than one friend.

But you did wish you could talk to her because of the girl code. Because you had been spending so much time with Robby, you felt your feelings of him grow more into a romantic feeling. You wanted to tell Sam and ask her for her blessing. But every time you seemed to try to talk to her she would make up some sort of excuse.

"I was thinking that maybe we could talk Mr.LaRusso to going to visit the beach this weekend. What do you think?" Robby asked as your eyes went glossy looking into the sky.

"Y/n?" He asked again as it finally got your attention.

"W-what? S-sorry, what are you saying?" You chucked as you turned to face him. He had his sweet smile on his face and his hair sparkled and shined from the rays of sun hitting him. You wished you could take a photo of him right now and keep it forever. He looked so beautiful in that moment.

"It's ok Y/n. How do you feel about going to the beach this weekend. Maybe afterwards we could host a party?"

"I'd like that."

So there you were. Standing in the middle of the beach with the flames of the campfire behind glistening in the night sky. The practice at the beach had been a huge success as both you and Robby learned so much. You had finally mastered that kick that you've been wanting to land for a while now. Robby was so happy for you that you felt kinda embarrassed. Of course you did not show it but your heart swelled up in pride by his compliments.

Sam couldn't come. Something about "already promised my friend I'd help them study'', whatever that meant. You were getting kinda worried about Sam. She never answered your calls or read your texts anymore. Heck, she even started leaving you on open on snap! So you hoped that when you sent her the invite for the party that she would come. She was your best friend after all.

You looked around to see that some of the Cobras were already there. They didn't seem to be there to pick a fight with anybody so you were happy about that. The last thing you needed was another beach fight.

"Have you seen Sam anywhere?" You asked some of the Cobras as they all turned to look at you. You guys were not enemies but not the best of friends. You tolaterted each other.

"Probably with Miguel." The one with the Mohawk "Hawk" joked as the rest of the Cobras laughed. You were confused and wondered what that meant.

"Seems like they never leave each other's side." Another Cobra "Mitch" said which made them all laugh again.

"I'm sorry but, why would she be with Miguel?" You asked confused as they all stopped laughing to look at you. Did you really not know?

"Y/n..." Aisha said as she came up to stand beside you. Even though she had left, she still came sometimes to party and talk with her Cobra friends and old teammates.

"Ever since Tory left...Miguel and Sam had been...close. Take a look for yourself." You looked to where Aisha was pointing to see your best friend and her ex making out.

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