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It wasn't often that Miguel's mom and Yaya weren't home, Usually, Yaya Diaz would be milling about the kitchen and common area, popping in every so often to check in on the two of you. So you obviously jumped at the chance to come over after school to study with your boyfriend alone. Well, maybe not study. But at least hang out with him as your overdue homework lay on the floor.

In all honesty, this was better.

Conversation had died off a while ago and you both began to do your own things. Miguel just so happened to decide now was a good time to catch up on strength training. All that time in a hospital bed and then relearning how to walk had taken a significant toll on his muscle strength. And had lengthened his hair.

He was on the floor going through his regular bodyweight regimen. At first, it hadn't been of much interest to you but now he was on the ground doing push-ups. He had taken off his shirt and tied up his hair into a ponytail. Your phone sat in your hand unused as you stared. Sweat dripped down his arms as he lifted his upper half from the floor, again and again. Letting out small huffs under the strain. You felt yourself begin to pant in tandem with his breaths.

His hair had begun to slip from the loose tie. Some hair stuck against his cheek and forehead or clung to the back of his neck. Sometimes he would hold himself on one hand for a moment to tuck the loose strands behind his ear before returning to his rhythmic movements.

A drop of sweat slid down the curvature of his bicep as he lowered himself to the floor, your eyes chased it as it made its way down his elbow, forearm, all the way down to his wrist. His hands strained against the floor, veins bulging under the effort. Your mouth suddenly felt very dry and you were sure one stroke of your tongue against his skin would quench you. Or maybe it would make you even more thirsty.

"You good babe?" You were ripped from your thoughts By Miguel's voice.. He was now on his knees beside the bed, mopping up sweat with a small towel. Oh, how you envied the fabric running along his skin. It took you a moment to get your brain running coherently again before you could respond. How were you supposed to think straight as his toned core was now on full display?

"Uh yeah no definitely, yeah." You managed after clearing your throat. A smile crept onto his lips before he let out a snort and shook his head.

"Yeah no definitely," He parroted with a heart-stopping grin "I'm sure you were enjoying the show."

Leaning over, he pressed a smiling kiss to lips. Just his lips wasn't enough, you pulled him in by the shoulders to deepen the kiss. He crawled his way onto the bed. He was half on top of you as you ran your hands up and down his back. You could feel the heat still lingering under his skin, it sent tingles down your spine.

"I was." You managed to pull away just enough to pant against his lips. "You looked so good on the floor like that."

"Should I get back down there? Give you something to look at?" He teased.

"Hell. No." You growled, bringing a knee up beside him, pushing him to lay on top of you fully.

You almost groaned as Miguel's full weight came to rest on you. His skin was so hot against yours, his hand rode up your side, slipping under the side of your shirt. At that you let a small sigh slip out. Your hand trailed from his back and into his hair. With a gentle tug, you pulled his hair free from the tie. It brushed against your cheek as his lips lowered to your neck.

His teeth grazed your jugular and your fingers tightened around his hair. He let out a gasp and nipped at your skin, causing you to give another tug. He let out a quiet 'fuck' and his hand gripped your waist tightly.

"I'm never cutting my hair ever again, god." He sighed against the skin just above the collar of your shirt.

"Good, I like it this length." You lead his lips back to yours by his hair.

He kisses you with even more fervour than before. It's all teeth and tongue and a haze falls over your mind as his hips press into yours. One of his hands begins to pull your shirt up to expose your ribs.

The squeal of the front door opening rips you both out of the moment. Panic crosses both of your faces as the jaunty hums of Yaya Diaz flood the apartment.

Miguel scrambled off of you, rushing to grab his shirt and straighten out his hair. Your hands yank your shirt out of its wrinkled state and you sit up into what you think is a casual position. Miguel comes to sit on the bed with you, phone in hand. You both unlock your phones, opening random apps just as Yaya Diaz comes knocking at the door.

"Yeah?" Miguel calls casually, casting a look at the door. She peeks her head in around the corner with a cheeky smile, which falls from her face when she sees you two sitting on the bed playing on your phones.

"Hi, Rosa." You say shooting her an innocent smile and she returns it with a nod. She shoots Miguel a look. He shrugs his shoulders and gives a questioning shake of his head. She rolls her eyes, gives you one last smile before leaving the room,muttering to herself.

You two sit across from each other in silence. It borders on awkward and you can't meet each other's gaze for a time. When your eyes finally do meet smiles creep to your faces, growing wider and wider until you two break out in laughter. he flops backwards onto his pillows and puts an arm over his face. Giggling, you come to lay beside him on top of his other arm outstretched across the bed. The laughter continues every time you catch each other's gaze, after a while, they become smaller and breathy-er until the laughter is diminished into sighs.

"You really like my hair like this?" he asks after a time.

"Mhm. I don't know, it makes you look more mature or something." You shrug with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, more mature?" he rolls his eyes.

"Mhm. But I like your hair however." You sigh, haphazardly throwing an arm across his chest and letting your eyes fall closed. All the excitement getting to you.

"Thanks." He looks down at you with a soft smile. pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head. You don't see the bashful smile on his face as he thinks about how sweet you are.

In the kitchen Rosa shakes her head, muttering to herself about how boring kids these days are and how annoying phones are. How was anyone to have some fun?

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