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If you were to ask Park Seonghwa to describe a short fiery man named Kim Hongjoong he would simply say; perfect. Perfect is the closest word to sum up his feelings for the younger man.

He would say he's perfect in the way that he breathes. He's perfect in the way his ears are covered in different piercings. Even his teeth, the most perfect pair Seonghwa has ever seen. (He likes to picture how hard those would bite.) He's perfect in the way he changes his hair color and style every few months. (Except that forsaken mullet, when Seonghwa finds who convinced him of that he'd probably have their head.)

If you were to ask Vice President of KQ high, Park Seonghwa to describe the same man he would smile his usual and say; I'm sorry I don't know him well enough, but every student at our school is amazing!

-or something along those lines. It would taste like bile in his mouth to even say those words but he would. He would grit his teeth and smile because if there's anything in the world that kept him sane it was the mere thought of Hongjoong. 

You could later find him locked in the farthest bathroom with shuddering breaths and small tears. He'd pull out Hongjoong's old jacket that he claims he found, bury his nose in the fabric and breath it all in. Seonghwa would inhale and inhale until his mind blurred with Hongjoong's cologne. Then, he would think back to the time he had visited the music club and Hongjoong had said "what's a pretty boy like you doing here?" And Seonghwa had been rendered speechless while the other just smiled. He would imagine Hongjoong holding him down with his fierce eyes and whispering 'pretty boy' at his temple while Seonghwa has tears in his eyes; body trembling with pleasure.

So yes, the point is- he knows him enough. He knows him enough to know that Hongjoong has the best heart and prettiest smile. Hongjoong spoke to him and he thought he was pretty. He is so perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect-

He stays like that until the next class.

Seonghwa stares, but only for a second!

Merely admiring because Hongjoong deserves to be admired.

He's currently across the cafeteria chatting and laughing with who Seonghwa assumes are his friends. Of course, it does irk Seonghwa deep down on how the younger's laugh is shared with other people other than him but he is laughing, he is smiling.

He's got such a pretty smile.

The things that grin does to his heart has Seonghwa speechless. He's only allowed this much until he is ushered away by his fellow student council.

He puts on his trained faux smile and he swallows down his affection.

Council meetings were always the worst for him.

He'd have to sit and listen to the treasurer and class president fawn over a man that is his; Hear them whisper vulgar things about the boy who's no where near them.

A particular mumble catches his ear today, "Hongjoong is so hot... have you seen him rap? I wonder what else he could do with that tongue.."

Once he hears the small giggles interrupt from their lips he truly couldn't take it anymore. His sharp voice telling them to keep their vulgar thoughts to themselves.

Their widened eyes take Seonghwa by surprise, he shouldn't have snapped like that.

Seonghwa's... never done that before, usually biting his tongue, let them daydream their little fantasies.

Yet, then... that's not what he did.

Maybe his love for Hongjoong has grown- the thought makes him want to smile.

"I'm sorry ladies but we come here to discuss the school not boys," thankfully it makes them chuckle, "my apologies if your feelings were hurt."

Truthfully, he doesn't care.

He couldn't care less for girls who think they have a chance with Hongjoong. They angered him. Couldn't they see that Hongjoong belongs to him?

Still, that doesn't make them stop. Their soft murmurs turn into quiet whispers. Choked back laughs turn into huffs off their chest.

God, maybe if they won't listen to his words, Seonghwa will have to do something else- but his thougts are gone as fast as they come when the bell rings.

School flies by in a flash without a particular man in his sight. During the last class of the day he takes his time to pack his things.

He opts for the cleaner, more organized side of things while the students next to him hurriedly shove things in their backpack, wanting to be prepared for when the final bell rings.
Seonghwa doesn't though, rather delicately closing his book and make his space neat. He almost jumps when the door to his classroom opens abruptly.

His breath is gone when the person walks through.

Hongjoong looks heavenly in a plain sweatshirt and a ripped jeans. His hair is messy and in his eyes but the hoodie gives him a sort of dark aesthetic.

Seonghwa forgets all about packing up.

Song something- (his face is familiar but for the life of him Seonghwa can't remember his name, he remembers him as one of the people Hongjoong follows on Instagram) the student who came with Hongjoong, does most of the talking, something about an event at the music club. Song hands papers to Hongjoong and the other passes them out, who doesn't give a single look to any of the students.

When he gets to Seonghwa's desk the older desperately searches for his eyes.

Their hands brush against each other when Seonghwa takes the paper.

Seonghwa's cheeks burn red. He stares down at his hands in awe, the glee he feels in unreal.

When the two leave the classroom the final bell rings, school is out. He looks around, the slight stress he feels from the crumbled papers he shoves down his backpack is shadowed, because he follows Hongjoong out the door.

He does not see the sly smirk plastered across Hongjoong's face.

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