♡love letter♡

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chapter 1


]Bennett pov[

Ugggghhhh why are love letters so hard?! Cmon benny! You can do this just be short and simple. Razor doesn't get advanced vocabulary so no need to get metaphors or anything in here... Not that i could ever write that well anyways. Think! think! think! Alright let's break it down. Ok why am i writing this letter? Because I'm in love with my best friend! Why am i in love with my best friend? He's adorable and loyal and kind and wonderful! Ok but like how can tell him that? This is getting nowhere.

Maybe a poem like an acrostic!
R- reliable
A- amazing
wait, there's no z words... And that's kinda lame...

What nowwwww???

Just be direct and honest! From the heart!

- the next day -

Third person pov

"Bennett been acting weird i bring him from red camellia from guardian lisa's garden, Bennett go red and 'embarrassed' but.. What is embarrassed?" razor asked.

Chongyun looked at razor with xingqiu reading peaceful in his lap.

" when someone feels like uh... Laughed at, Humility? No uh.... Their heart beats fast and they feel kinda shy. But it's not always that bad..uhm. " chongyun tried to explain but ultimately couldn't come to a proper conclusion.

" Yuyu that sounds more like being in love~" Xingqiu retorted glancing up at chongyun with a smirk.

" What Love?"

" Do you want an example?" Xingqiu asked now shifting his gaze to razor.

He nodded." Hm!"

" I love chongyun. He makes me happy when I'm around him. I want to be around him all the time. When you love someone you want to express affection to them. There are many ways of affection, it can be a gesture of physical form like holding hands. Affection can be a non physical thing as well like actually saying i love you, or 'your cute.' But above all you want to make them happy and they want to make you happy. Understand?" Chongyuns face went bright red as xingqiu happily smiled and returned to reading his book.

Razor nodded once again " Still not understand but understand better. So then does razor love-"

" Hey guys! What's going on!? Hehe! Ooooh razor are those puppy paw hash browns? Gimme!" Bennett appeared behind him.

" Oh we were just teaching razor some words." Chongyun replied

" What words!" Bennett asked excitedly, wanting to join in.

" We tried to explain-" razor made a face at chongyun. The pleasedonttellhim face. "OH! we explained what letters were right razor!?"

" Letter is... A peice of paper you write, then give to other to read." razor said recalling when his mother lisa had sent jean letters for "business"

" Razor you didn't know what a letter was? Jeeze sometimes i think your vocabulary is so limited you probably don't even know what a kiss is!" Bennett joked and sat down eating his sandwich.

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