Naps pt. 2

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i can't do this! Bennett thought as he threw off his covers getting caught in them and tripping. Bennett rushed out of his house with only what he needed and ran down to the house where lisa and razor lived.

But then he realized, this late at night, razor was probably awake and just outside city walls looking for something to eat.

And so Bennett ran outside and began to sprint as fast as he could looking for razor. Bennett needed to tell him.

But then he saw razor, basking in the moonlight, his hair was messier than ever but he had the little crochet doll in his hands. razor had gently kissed the little doll, where it's mouth would've been, had it not been replaced with a permanent yarn smile.

Bennett raised a hand to his lips, remembering what he had said earlier.

What he had just see, was something he was definitely not meant to see.

Nevertheless Bennett stepped forward and spoke out. " Razor? It's Bennett. I need to talk to you."

Razor looked at Bennett then at the doll then at Bennett again, and finally he hid the small crochet doll behind his back. And for the very first time, Bennett saw razor..... Blush.....

" Razors sorry! I didn't mean! Sorry!" razor tried to get up and run away but i was Lucky enough to catch his wrist.

He turned around and looked at me tears welling in his eyes. I almost couldn't speak but the words just came out of me like a stream.

"Razor, i love you."

Razor dropped his arms to his side and he was still holding on to the doll quite tightly. But after a second or two he threw his arms around me and without realizing it i had fallen back on to the grass floor.

" I love! I love! Love Bennett!" razor cried, at that moment i just wanted to hold him in my arms like that forever.

But it didn't last long, razor pulled his head away from my chest and looked me dead in the eye. Then his stare glided down to my lips. He's so pure, he just wanted a kiss, it was written all over his dumb cute face, and I'd do anything for him. Especially since i love him.

So my first kiss went to the boy from wolvendom, whom i have fallen madly in love with.

For someone who lived in the woods 90% of his life he was a pretty good kisser. But even if he was the worst in the world I'd still love him as much as i possibly could.

" Razor.... Loves Bennett, a lot.. I love you." Razor said remembering how i structured the phrase earlier.

" I LOVE YOU!" I said happily hugging him.

I forgot about this book... Sry. There's a chapter... Kinda ik it's super short but I'm working on other books sooo ;)

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