4. Suspicions

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Ryan's POV:

I woke up later than most Saturday mornings. Veronica is the one who wakes me up since I barely get up on time with an alarm. She's been acting stranger than usual.  Ever since she's got back from the therapist office, she's been acting so secretive and weird. This isn't like her normal behaviors. She usually shares so much with me even if it's things that she sometimes struggles to talk about. I try not to judge and give my undivided attention when she discusses those deep topics with me. During our first years together in this relationship, we uncovered mostly all the basis with her. I know about her bipolar disorder, mood swings, and panic attacks. I also know about the antipsychotic medications she has to take regularly, which to my surprise, she stopped that before discussing it with me. Sometimes I question to myself, if she's holding back so much more. She told me that her past was traumatic and that she's hurt people emotionally due to her condition but it's weird how she never discussed family, personal friends from her former state, or even her early school or career life.

Just last night, she admitted to having a half brother when she told me specifically the first time we met that she didn't have any siblings. She hardly talks about her parents, and she makes excuses every time I bring up wanting to meet them. It's almost feels like I only know half of her life. We're married, aren't married couple supposed to know every little thing about each other?

I sighed, realizing I was overthinking again. I got up from bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. I took the time to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I got up after a few minutes later, and processed to get myself ready for the day. As I was getting myself dressed, my ears picked up a constant vibration sound coming from the bed. I squinted my eyes with confusion. First, I thought it was my phone but I realized mines was in my pocket. The vibration continued, and my curiosity drove me to search around the bed for whatever it was. My hand then came in touch with Veronica's phone. The notification banner flashed on the screen. She received a text from a number she hasn't saved into her phone, one of the text had a date and time, two days from now and the other text had a link to a website I hardly recognized. I've realized that it was wrong of me to go through her phone, again. The last time I've done that, a huge unnecessary fight erupted  and ruined our dinner. I made a promise to not read any personal information of hers behind her back, I immediately put the phone down. Seconds later, the door swung open, causing me to jump in place.

"What are you doing?" Veronica stood by the door with the baby in her hands. I slowly slid the phone underneath the pillow without her noticing.

"I just came out of the bathroom," I responded.

"I've made breakfast like twenty minutes ago, you didn't hear me calling your name?" She said, with a confused look on her face.

"No, but I'll be down in a minute. I need to finish getting dressed," I said, standing in the middle of the room shirtless.

"Don't take too long, I've made blueberry pancakes your favorite."

Shortly after she dismissed herself. I sighed, and placed my shirt on. As I walked towards the door, my legs stopped before it could leave the room. I found myself dwelling on rather I should check where that website leads to or not. I respect her privacy but something odd is definitely going on with her. I just need to know what......

I'd be wrong for me check....I need to stop.

I'm overthinking again. There's nothing wrong. If there's something wrong she would tell me.

I decided to leave the phone behind and go downstairs for breakfast. I followed the delightful aroma of pancakes and roasted coffee. Veronica sat in the living room, watching the usual Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoons with Xavier. I've noticed she's already eaten her plate of food and mines was left alone by the dinning room table.

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