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"Yuki its not the time" Junseo growled as Yuki sat on his lap and stared directly back at the elder male with a pout on his lips, his cute catlike eyes narrowing like the alpha had just denied him of his rights.

"But you always let me sit on your lap when we go on the jet" Yuki whined as Junseo just gave a cold stare back and lifted the boy gently placing him between Mingyu and himself.

For the last thirty minutes Yuki had been more than sad due to his boyfriends, Junseo was being colder than usual like not talking to him, no patting or gently squeezes when he was being needy , no lap sitting no inhaling his scent it was like he had no interest in Yuki at all. even Mingyu had been acting strange whenever he brought up the topic Mingyu would just hold his hand and let smile before mentioning some unrelated topic. Usually Mingyu would flirt with the omega and make him be shy and coy but right now he was doing nothing.

"D-did I do something Hyung?" Yuki asked Junseo looking at him with sad eyes not knowing if he was being shunned by him or if it was something more.

Junseo said nothing back and just continued on his phone ignoring the small boys little pouts and neediness. Mingyu couldn't help either there was nothing they could say or do right now.

"W-why are you acting so weird?!" Yuki suddenly shouted at both of them before standing up and turning to glare at the both of them, he was sad but this wasn't fair he didnt do anything wrong.

"Yuki sit down and be quiet" Junseo said not even taking the time to look up at the omega who was having a tantrum to himself.

"NO! im not your fucking pet, why are you both being so weird...." He said loudly his voice getting softer as he spoke the last part tears gently filling his eyes as he felt like they were pushing him away and it had only been one day. ever since This morning both of them acted almost like Yuki was a stranger.

"Yuki, come on dont be a brat we are just t-" Mingyu went to say before Yuki cut him off

"See?! you never call be Yuki! its always pup but for some reason your acting like im some fucking stranger to you!" Yuki yelled at the alphas who both looked a little bit taken aback by how the omega was acting.

Yuki had his fair share of tantrums and petty behaviour but this time it was different, he was actually angry and both of them could feel it.

"Hey, we said no swearing PUP so be a good boy and sit down before alpha give you a punishment" Junseo mocked making sure that he used the word pup intentionally, Mingyu had noticed that this was going down hill when junseo and Yuki argued it was never good one of them would always end up hurt and most of the time it was Yuki. He wanted to stop it but deep down he didnt know if he should his mates were fighting and he wanted to help Yuki but at the same time he understood why Junseo was being so cold.

Even though they were all mates Mingyu knew Junseo in high school and could understand the males actions he must have been feeling afraid of telling Yuki because he always goes silent when he dosnt want to talk. Junseo wasn't good with people who were meant to be equals he didnt like letting others in but he had let Yuki and Mingyu both in... So it was harder for him to accept that maybe Yuki would want to leave if they said their true professions.

"Fuck you, don't mock me like im some sort of pet trying to get your attention or was that what you wanted me to be HUH?!" Yuki taunted back.

Junseos eyes widened and Mingyu saw the red begin to develop it wasn't looking good as he quickly stood up and tried to grab the elder alpha to stop him from getting rough with their mate.

"Get. Off" He growled to Mingyu who wasn't letting go, he snapped and turned around pushing Mingyu hard enough that he feel onto the sofa even through his anger he would never physically hurt his mates it would only hurt himself more if he did but he was going to teach the omega a lesson. "Pet? why the fuck are you being so clingy Yuki! Im doing business its my fucking job its how we make fucking money" He growled his eyes red as he just wanted to take the omega right here right now.

"You dont understand... you never will understand what its like to be considered the weaker mate" Yuki said before leaving the jets main cabin and going to the bathroom to let his eyes cry.

Junseo felt his heart ache as Yuki Said that, Mingyu standing up walked to junseo and glared at him, when Mingyu was cold he was arctic level even junseo felt the males anger towards him in this moment.

They both knew that Yuki had his own issues, he had some body issues along with anxiety and his biggest issue was that he felt like he wasn't as important in the relationship as the other two even thought they both knew he was the most important he always felt less than. He was accepted into a already formed relationship and in a worser way he was what tied them together fully. When they marked Yuki together they essentially were marking each other as well Yuki being there piece of string that officially made them mates. 

Neither of them saw the small omega as a string that was connecting them but Yuki did and they always tried to hammer it into his head that he wasn't just a toy or pet for them to use well they had a actual relationship but sometimes this kind of thing happened.

"Junseo you know hes right... I dont want to admit it but we both have been acting like fuckwits he said he feels like a stranger since this morning"

"I know! I know he does! I hate that he feels that way but fuck hes such a brat he always jumps to conclusions and it pisses me off" Junseo said gripping the bench on the plan next to him tightly. He wanted to tell the small boy everything but if he did... what if he left and didnt want to be mates, it may be impossible to remove the mark they gave him together but it would always hurt them knowing Yuki wasn't with them and could be with someone else they would feel it knowing when hes happy or sad... it would break the both of them.

"You tell him" Mingyu said with a straight and expressionless face which made junseo sigh he knew what Mingyu meant by that

"Shouldn't we do it together?"

"We will but im not going to speak unless necessary, hes needs to hear this from you I've noticed that you both seem to fight more often than me and him do and its probably due to your difference in personalities but he needs you to show that you love him more. You and I both know that you love him but he sometimes forgets cause you barely say it so instead of telling him show him" Mingyu said, even though the alpha was a flirty and sexual mess he was smart when it came to people.

"What if he wants to leave us?... how the fuck do you expect me to cope how will you cope hes apart of our lives he is our life!?" Junseo began getting angry again as he talked to himself fearing the worst case scenario until Mingyu smiled and just placed both hands on his shoulders.

"Do you love Yuki?" Mingyu says with a smile on his face.

"Thats a fucking dumb qu-"

"Just answer it" Mingyu sternly said keeping his smile

"Yes, I love him more than life itself"

"Then believe in him, stop thinking that he will leave us and remember that he loves us." Mingyu said which made Junseo sigh, he really did think badly all the time but that was the point of his job to be prepared for the worst but his mind didnt know how to prepare for if Yuki decided to leave them.

The slightly shorter Alpha breathed in and then walked towards the door that lead to the bathroom where he could hear small whimpers and cries coming from obviously what was Yuki. before he could knock the door opened and he saw his pups puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks, his ears were flat on his head and tail shaking between his legs as he stared back at the alpha trying to cover himself so he didnt look weak.

"Pup, Daddy and I want to talk to you about why we are acting weird, would you like that?" He said with a a less intimidating voice that he was used to making Mingyu smile from the corner. The small boy nodded carefully and followed sitting down on the opposite side if the cabin so he wouldn't have to turn left and right to his boyfriends.

"This is going to be alot to take in so please dont say anything and just listen to what we have to say..."

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