Chapter 2

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(Yes its technically chapter 2, im counting the one shot as chapter 1 for context)

Percy's PoV:

I darted down alleyways and small streets as I hurried back to my small apartment, occasionally tugging at my ripped clothing to try and cover the cuts. As I came to a stop outside of my building, I glanced back the way I'd come, wondering about what had just happened. The unusual group of people all seemed rather curious about my, admittedly showy-off, route of getting down.

As I shook my head to clear those thoughts, I made my way up the staircase as quick as I could, because I knew just how late it was. Reaching the front door to my apartment I pulled out the keys and started to fumble to get in the door. Suddenly the door was flung open, and stood in front of me was Melissa, my roommate.

Melissa shook her head, her flaming red hair bouncing as she did, hands on her thin waist as she put on a scowl, thinly masking her look of relief.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS?" She burst out in concern, staring accusingly towards me. Before her face immediately softened and she muttered, "God I was SO worried, I- I thought
something had happen- "

"Melissa, you know I can take care of myself, right?" I chuckled, attempting to calm her down. I poked my head into our apartment trying to see past Melissa.

  I glanced at our small kitchen on my right, with the cupboards full of blue food dye. Our apartment was small, but cosy and ours, we had two bedrooms between us and a small bathroom, all three in front of me as looked down the hallway. Melissa and I, though, spent most of our time in the lounge, when we were in the apartment. There was a TV opposing a large sofa, with two armchairs next to it.

 I stepped towards the door and Melissa uncertainly moved out of my way as I walked into the lounge. I flopped down onto our sofa and relaxed into the soft material, thoughts about today dancing around my head, too fast for me to even pause and think about one thing. 

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you do, I'm only worried about you Perce" Melissa sighed as she watched me from the door. I nodded my head slightly, getting up from the sofa to hug my roommate.

 While I comforted Melissa, she rested her head on my shoulder, making sure i was safe. Her head abruptly jerked away from me as she stared at my neck.

"Lissa? What, are you ok?" I asked, trying to move closer to her but she simply took another step back. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Wha- what's wrong?"

She raised one hand and brushed my messy hair from my neck, looking at one spot in concern.

"You have something on your neck, it- I don't know what it is" she muttered, still holding my neck carefully. I opened my mouth to ask what she meant, before I thought better of it and turned around, hurrying to the bathroom. 

 As I threw open the door, Melissa quickly followed behind me. I stood in front of the mirror and pulled my hair away form my neck. 

On the base of my neck, was a small, black square with a small red dot on it. I let out a small gasp as i realised what it was, those people I had met earlier, they had put a tracker on me!  

"What is that Percy, and how did it end up on you?!?!" Melissa asked urgently stepping backwards unsurely. I swallowed, thinking of what I would do next -and how to explain what had happened to Melissa.

I wet my lips anxiously before shakily replying, "That, Melissa is a tracker, as for how I got it..."

OK OKAY I know its short and well...... not AMAZING, but yh I wont have ANY time to make this chapter longer cause school is death.

Sooooooooo i need to see just how horrible this is so give moi some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and I will try to get the next chap up as soon as I can tho it might take a week or so.

Also i just wanna say thank u to Star (check the link i added below for her profile) and my Irl friend for helping me with this chapter

-Olli 🐠

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