Even if

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(TW: this chapter mentions ed and sh in the last three points)

Every single person in this community is valid. No matter why, how or what they do when regressed or what they look like

Y̆̈ŏ̈ŭ̈ Ă̈r̆̈ĕ̈ V̆̈ă̈l̆̈ĭ̈d̆̈ Ĕ̈v̆̈ĕ̈n̆̈ Ĭ̈f̆̈:
🧸You're underweight
🧃You're overweight
🧸You have tattoos
🧃You're a POC
🧸You don't like pastels
🧃You're a boy
🧸You don't like glitter
🧃You don't like or have stuffies
🧸You don't like or have sippys/bottles
🧃You don't like or have pacis
🧸You don't have or want a Caregiver
🧃You regress to older ages
🧸You have a large regression range
🧃You're noncom (don't identify in any community)
🧸You only regress to a single age
🧃 You're LGBTQ+🏳️‍🌈
🧸You're in the toy box (not open/out about it)
🧃You're a minor
🧸You're an adult
🧃You like scary things like horror
🧸You don't like cute things
🧃You regress involuntarily
🧸You self harm
🧃You have flashbacks
🧸Have troubles, eg eating disorders

No matter what, you will always matter and be valid

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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