51||Not what it seems?||

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I stopped to look at the watch on my wrist. It'd started to pour outside a few minutes ago but my mind couldn't hlep but wonder. It's been exactly two day since I confessed my feelings to Ariana and my life has been f**ked up lately due to business deals and proposals. I don't exactly own a business but I was seen as with the biggest and most important parts in deals. 

"What time do the meeting start?" I asked Benjamin who looked lost in space. I gently tapped him, he shruddered. "I'm sorry, Adrian. What did you say?" He asked to confirm my speech. I sighed mentally and asked. "I was asking when the meeting starts." I responded. 

"Exactly 3:56." He replied arranging the files neatly on the table. It was very odd to start a meeting like that. It didn't feel right to me. The company I work in is mananged by me. The owner passed on a few weeks ago. So, technically, I run the business. 

"I'm going home. I'll be back 56 minutes earlier." I said, standing up to take my leave. Working in this young age was a big deal but I grew up with it. To not have emotions and take high risks. 

"Yes." Benjamin muttered. Something's been wrong with him lately, I could sense it. If it's because of the joke Ariana pulled, then there was nothing to worry about. 

"You, okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He gave a comfronting smile like I shouldn't bother and go on. I hummed.

I pulled out my car keys from my pocket, standing right in front of my car. Just as I was about to open the car's door, I heard a gun shot. I instantly froze and turned around slowly, on alert. It sounded like it came from the upper building. I pulled in back my car keys into my right pocket and pulled out the black metalic gun from the left. 

Someone wrong was in the building. 




"Pretty, please? We're be quick about it." I whined tugging unto Lin'arm. He groaned and gently pryed my hands away. I pouted. 

"No, sweet cake. Your handsome boyfriend is gonna skin me alive." 

Blushed covered all over my skin at what he said. We weren't dating yet and he's teasing me already about it. Wait! Yet?

"I'm so anxious about him. What if he needs a hug or a peck or french fries? Who's gonna give him?" I questioned. 

"Well, apart from the smooches and hugs, he hates french fries cause of me. On another note, we are not allowed to leave the house."

I glare hard at him untill a small smirk formed on my lips. 

Oh, really?

15 minutes later.

"I didn't agree for this, Miss." Lin rolled his eyes. I giggled and looked outside, enjoying the cool air that touched my skin. I didn't want to sound like I was jealous or I didn't trust Adrian. I decided I wasn't going to tell Lin about the female and just keep it to myself. 

A good girl I am.

"How are you sure he's here?" Lin asked diverting to the left. I shrugged and patted Princess on her head. "Just feel he is."

The drive continued for half an hour. Didn't think his workpalce was this long. Adrian once told me about what he does when we were cuddling last night on the couch before I fell asleep. 

"We're here your majesty." Lin smirked unlocking his seat belt. I looked ahead of me and immediately spotted Adrian's black BWM.

Yaaayy!!! We found him. 

"Wait here." Lin said, his voice in deadly calm. I gulped softly at the change of his tone and and wondered about the reason. 

"What's wrong?" I whispered following his eyes movement. 

"The building is silence. Very rare." He spoke playing with the band of his short quarter. And then we heard it, 

A gun shot.

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