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        Cam and I walk through the woods attempting t find Wil's dead body... Will was my brother so this seems kinda disturbing and sad to me to know that he is dead.


        "And now cam is asleep." I say, but he instantly wakes up after saying, "What did I miss" in a tired voice.

        "I dont really feal ok looking for my dead brother...","It will be ok Iggy, were here to find him and give him a proper funeral.", "I hope he isn't dead..." I think to myself.

        It has been 3 days since we left camp, and it seems Will has moved from where he we supposed he  died, so our on conclusion is that someone is using his dead body for gZues knows what reason, or he is still alive and roaming the forest attempting to get back home...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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