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        I wake up in some sort of tree home with a few tree nymphs not remembering anything that happened. I ask, "Where am I, who are you?!" One of them responded by telling me, "You were attacked by a hellhound." Then I started to remember everything. I asked, "Where is Angel?" But the only responce I got was, "Who?"

        After a few hours of recovering the nymphs brought me outside where there was lots of other homes and lots of nice gardens. It was a little town of nymphs and satyrs! I was amazed when I saw many satyrs and nymphs living out in the middle of no where, not a single satyr has ever had to rescue a dermigod ever! I lived there for many days, maybe a month, or months! But then was able to leave to get back to CHB. They gave me food, my reedpipes, and a small dagger for the trip that could take months to finish. 

        Once I got out of there nice sunny town the area was very dark, smell of monsters were everywhere but I haven't even seen one monster inside there little town or any damage be taken from a monster. I thought that maybe they had a shield around there camp like CHB but I would never know. I walked and walked for miles scared that I could be attacked at any moment. I stopped and made a camp to wrest for the night.

        The next morning I saw that my camp was attacked by something with huge foot prints and thank the gods I wasn't attacked by in my sleep. I took all my stuff that I would need and started to walk again. After a few miles of walking I hurd noises of some monsters in the woods again, but this time they were closer. I pulled out my dagger, and screamed, "Where are you! I know your here! Stop hiding fro me!" But there was no responce. Then out of no where, I giant cyclops jumped at me, but I stabbed it in the eye right as it jumped at me, it didn't turn to dust yet though so it must've still been alive but blind so I ran.

        I must've ran for hours because just after what seemed like a few minutes of running it started to look dark again. So I went to set up another camp, but time this I kept my guard for the cyclops could attack me at any moment. I then started to fall asleep fter a few hours of standing my guard.

        I woke up on the ground where I was standing my guard the night before. I grabbed my stuff and continued the journey to get back to CHB. After a few hours it seemed like I was being watched. I thought that maybe the cyclop's brothers have found me or something, so I took out my dagger. I hurd rustles of leaves on a bush, and I screamed, "Stop hiding from me! I know you are here! I killed your brother too!" But then a little satyr boy came out of the woods saying, "What brothers I'm a only child?' I was confused I start because I was certain that there was some sorta monster following me. This kid couldn't of been a monster though, no monster could of disguised as a satyr espiaclly a cyclops, so I asked him how long he has been following me, and he responded saying, "Well I followed you since you've left the village." I was a amazed that a young satyr like him could've ever followed me all the way to here. So i let him come along with me.

Will Brown the satyrWhere stories live. Discover now