Too Late

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Mari didn't know what to do. She was laying on the ground, helpless. Everyone and everything was a blur to her. All she knew was that Chat- no Adrien hated her. It was all her fault. She didn't know what to do. Everything around her didn't matter. Nothing did. He was her world. As a friend. Why couldn't she do anything right? Everything was blurry. Before she could stop it, hot tears poured. She was crying. She was crying over a dumb boy. Except this boy was not dumb. This boy was everything. He loved her.

And she ruined it.

What was she going to do now? What could she do now? Before she could think any further, she saw a black butterfly. She desperately crawled backwards, not wanting to be a pawn for the one she hates. But it was too late. The only words she can use to describe was, intruding. Her thoughts were not only hers, but hawkmoths. Her feelings and body no longer only belonged to her. Not anymore.

Frozen Heart, I am giving you the power to freeze those who have done you harm,

Marinette screamed, she was begging for it to stop. For everything to go back normal. She didn't want this, she just wants-


She can have him




"Okay hawkmoth, I'll get you your cat and bug jewelry" she got up from the ground, she didn't want to do this. But she had to.

With the very little sanity she had left, she told threw her earrings at tikki and told her to run.

She felt so guilty for everything. And now she was paying the price. Once Marinette left the house, she went searching for the only one she had eyes on. 


(Couple minutes later)

She landed on the building, not making a sound. Adrien was right there. So close, yet so far away. Without making noise she picked plagg up and whispered so only her could hear.

"Say a word and I kill you"

She didn't mean it, not Marinette. She would never hurt plagg. But Frozen Heart, Frozen Heart wasn't Marinette.

Adrien turned around and stared at her, shock and fear coursing through his veins.


I am not ladybug..not anymore atleast" he could tell she was hurt. "I am Frozen heart" 

"Listen ladybug-" she squishes plagg a bit more. "Frozen heart, you have to listen to me-"

"NO, you did not let me explain!" Frozen Heart watches as adrien thinks a moment before looking back at her with wide eyes. She kicks him off the Eiffel tower, some part of her wanting to reach out and just kiss him or have him hold her. But she couldn't have that anymore. That was for Marinette, not Frozen Heart.

She stands there for a moment, she want to look down but can't bring herself to. The boy she loved was dead, his dead body was there. And she didn't want to see it.

Until she did.

Frozen Heart ran to the end if the Eiffel tower. Sliding down to the floor, not seeing a dead Adrien- anywhere.


Then she heard a- battle cry?

Turning around was a mistake because she was met with, Carapace, and Rena Rouge. And a not so dead Adrien.

"We're here to save you!"

Frozen Heart stood there.

Then laughed.

"If only I could be saved."

OKAY GUYS I JUST WANT TO SAY SORRY. The thing is I just didn't want to do this story anymore so sorry if this chapter sucks. I just can't find it in myself to really- like it? I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and as always thank you so much for reading! (Also how would you guys feel about a Miraculous One Shot book?) A

Also I hope you have an amazing day! :DDDDD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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