A b o u t M e

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A/N- Some of this is not real information for privacy reasons. Also these are just examples and the answers are not my full script :)

Name: Full name

Age: 15

Birthdate: 18/04/1980

Height: A bit smaller than average

Body/Figure: (however you want). I am confident in my body and body positive. 

Hair: No hair below my nose. I don't have a mono-brow. My hair (on my head) is luscious and healthy. I don't have baby hairs or broken hairs. My hair doesn't knot easily. It is easy to control and brush.

Nails: Healthy, my cuticles are pushed back.

Lips: Soft, don't get dry and chapped quickly or easily. 

Teeth: Pearly white. Doesn't need any treatment (braces, retainer etc). Doesn't get irritated often.

Smile: Friendly, pretty, and doesn't show my gums.

Eyes: Doesn't need glasses. Perfect eyesight. My eyelashes are curled and long naturally. I don't have dark circles under my eyes. 

Face: People find my face attractive. When I wear makeup it doesn't look cakey and look good. 

Voice: People find my voice attractive. It isn't annoying.

Scent: Flowery, but not too strong. Doesn't irritate people. (I have a journal which I wrote my script in and I sprayed my perfume onto the pages so when I opened it, it would smell like me from my DR).

Personality: I am friendly and have a bubbly personality. I am funny and easy to get on with I can be intimidating. I am intelligent and quick to come up with comebacks and remarks. 

Popularity: (If you're in school or work or something like that). I am well-liked. I am respected, idolized, and looked up to.

Period: Only lasts for three days. I am unable to get pregnant. Doesn't hurt much. Very light, never leaks, and doesn't affect my mood.

Pets: I have an owl called "Aurora"

Wealth: Pretty wealthy.

Talents: I am good at singing, dancing. I can lie well. 

Mental Health: I am happy. I don't have ADHD. 

Physical Health: I am healthy.

What year you are in: Year 4

Accent: British

Wand: (Harry Potter) 

Blood Status: (Harry Potter)

Patronus: (Harry Potter) 

Boggart: (Harry Potter)

Hogwarts House: (Harry Potter)

Powers: (A DR where you have powers)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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