A Friend in Need

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Season 3 Episode 5 (Episode 31)

3rd POV:

Bounty Hunter lies in her bed back at home as she sleeps under her soft white duvet covers when her phone on her nightstand vibrates, waking her from her slumber; she groggily rubs at her eyes as she wakes slowly

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Bounty Hunter lies in her bed back at home as she sleeps under her soft white duvet covers when her phone on her nightstand vibrates, waking her from her slumber; she groggily rubs at her eyes as she wakes slowly. She stumbles for the phone as she yawns, answering the phone. "Hell- (yawns again)-o?" She mumbles into the phone.

"I am sorry to have woken you so late, but it is about Robin," Starfire says, feeling bad to trouble her about the situation the Boy Wonder has got himself in.

"What is it?" She asks as she sits up in bed, fully awake, worried for her friend.

"It is Slade; Robin is seeing him," Star informs her, and Bounty Hunter frowns at the name, it should be impossible, but knowing Slade, he's found a way to come back from the dead and take Robin down.

"I'm on my way; text me your location." She jumps out of bed.

"Thank you, we shall see you soon." She hangs up the phone, and Bounty Hunter walks over to her wooden painted white wardrobe and pushes her clothes to the side to reveal a hidden panel; she removes it and pulls out a large box. She places it on the floor, pulling the top off to show her Bounty Hunter attire inside; she begins changing out of her pink night tee.

 She places it on the floor, pulling the top off to show her Bounty Hunter attire inside; she begins changing out of her pink night tee

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Bounty Hunter walks around the corner to see Starfire waiting in the rain, and they walk off in the dark wet streets of Jump City to join up with the others, which group outside one of the skyscrapers in the torrential rain. Beast Boy flies in as a pigeon and makes his way to Cyborg and Raven, who stand at the curb, Raven keeps the rain off herself, and he sneezes himself into a pig just short of the ground. Splashing down in the gutter, BB ends up as himself, sniffling loudly, sick. "I've looked everywhere. I think Slade sent us on a..." He sneezes, turning into a giraffe, armadillo, and goose as quickly as he sneezes.

"...wild goose chase," Raven finishes as he resumes human form, and she walks over to him, shielding him from the rain.

"Can I please go lie down now?" He asks as Cyborg checks his forearm panel.

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