Chapter 10 - 2:30 am

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It was 10:30 pm, Kokichi immediately slept after finishing his ramen for dinner. Shuichi made sure that Kokichi was asleep by French kissing him. Kokichi only blushed but he showed no signs of being conscious. Shuichi changed Kokichi in some warm clothing so he wouldn't freeze in any time of the ritual.  Finally, Shuichi slept in bed, next to Kokichi.
Beep beep... beep beep... be-
"Ugh.. it's 2 am, well it's time to get ready." Shuichi mumbled.
After Shuichi got changed, he picked up his dorm key and phone.
"Now it's time to carry you." Shuichi smiled.
Shuichi carried Kokichi bridal style and left.
Click clack click clack click clack
"We're here Kokichi- oh yeah, you're asleep." Shuichi said, standing infront of Kiyo's dorm.
Shuichi knocked on the door and a dark figure popped out from the opened window.
"Oh Shuichi you're on time." Kiyo smiled, opening the door.
"Yup, so where do I go?" Shuichi asked.
"Just sit on this chair, it won't be long."
"I promise I won't do any harm to your dear Kokichi, yes?"
"I really hope so, I'm trusting you."
"I will be safe as possible, do you have any last words to say to Kokichi?"
"Uhm, no."
"Oh, and never enter the room even if it's loud, understand?"
"Okay, I shall get started now, goodbye."
Shuichi was playing games on his phone for 10 minutes, until he heard Kokichi crying hysterically on the other room. Shuichi panicked, but he kept still. Eventually it gets worse, Shuichi started to hear Kokichi crying for his name and begging him for something.
"Shuichi please don't leave me-"
Shuichi was hearing the screams and cries from Kokichi, but he still stayed in his spot, hoping that whatever was going inside there, Kokichi was safe and sound.
Eventually everything simmered down, and the door opens.
"Shuichi, Kokichi is waiting for you inside." Kiyo comes out, with a lot of nervousness in his voice.
"Okay." Shuichi said, speed walking in the room.
Shuichi entered the room, seeing Kokichi awake on the floor, crying.
Shuichi's eye widened as he saw the small boy turns his head to see Kokichi's sadistic face. Shuichi immediately picked up Kokichi, hugging him tightly.
"Shumai.. Is that you?" Kokichi sniffled, hugging him.
"Yes, it's me." Shuichi cried.
"When did I end up here!?" Kokichi yelled, feeling scared.
"Uhm, since 30 minutes ago."
"Who brang me here!?"
"I did.. And I'm sorry."
"Why am I here!?"
"I can't tell you, but it's good for your benefit."
"What the heck, can you just take me home please?"
"We will, I just need to quickly ask Kiyo something."
"Ugh okay, but be quick.. It's dark and creepy in here."
"Okay, I will."
Shuichi carefully placed Kokichi on the floor and went outside to see Kiyo. Kiyo had a pale face and sweat dripping around his forehead, he was in an uncomfortable state.
"Hey Kiyo, are you alright?" Shuichi asked.
"Clearly I'm not!"
"Why, what happened in the ritual?"
"Kokichi woke up just a bit before the Ritual was done."
"And then Kokichi stared at me the whole time, it was very traumatising."
"Ah.. But did the ritual succeed?"
"Oh my Auta, are you stupid?"
"Okay! Okay! So it didn't."
"Uhuh, now please leave and never talk about doing a ritual on Kokichi again, please."
"Sorry and thanks for your help, is there any way I could pay you back?"
"No, I wanted to do the ritual anyways, now please." Kiyo slightly glinted at Shuichi.
"Wait, but why was Kokichi awake when he was supposed to stay asleep?"
"I've realised that the pill was expired." Kiyo sighed.
"Oh.. I guess that makes sense." Shuichi sighed as he went to get Kokichi.
Shuichi and Kokichi headed back to their dorms and slept in peace.

Saiouma fanfic that I made by accident Where stories live. Discover now