Chapter 17 - Magical Potion

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"Kokichi, why are you out here?" Shuichi asked, sitting next to the boy.
"I wanted some fresh air after sobbing for 3 hours straight." Kokichi huffed.
"3 hours.. Well you should just." Shuichi mumbled, trying to think of something to say.
"You were mad at me, and it's my fault so..." kokichi muttered.
"Ugh just forget about it, I'm sorry that I was being harsh last night."
"Let's go now, school is gonna start soon."
Shuichi and Kokichi headed to school. As they arrived, shuichi thought about asking Himiko a favour.
"A memory potion that could last forever." Shuichi thought.
As time past on to break, Shuichi excused himself from his friends to find Himiko.
As shuichi search around the school, he so happened to find Himiko getting fed by Tenko on a bench.
"Ah Himiko, can I speak to you in private?" Shuichi asked, approached Himiko.
"Nyeh? Sure." Himiko accepted.
"No Himiko, you can't since it's a boy." Tenko protested.
"But it's Shuichi, he's not crazy unlike Kokichi." Himiko sighed.
"Hm, fine.. But make it quick." Tenko huffed as Himiko stood up.
Shuichi and Himiko headed near some bushes and had their talk.
"Do you remember that contest between Kokichi and Kaede when they argued loudly for me?" Shuichi asked.
"Oh yeah, you guys were a rackus so I remember."
"And remember how kokichi got into an accident?"
"Yeah, but he deserved it as a moron."
"Uh, anyways so.. He lost his memories after the recovery."
"So I was wondering if you could make some sort of potion that makes him remember his memories or something."
"Ask Maki, she'll know what to do." Himiko suggested.
"Huh? But Maki is an Assassin, she can't-"
"It's better if Kokichi learnt his memories rather than just shoving the memories in his brain because it might shock and confuse him."
"I see, you're not wrong."
"Yes, anyways let's just head back before Tenko runs after you." Himiko spoke.
"Alright then, and thanks for the advice, I needed it."
"Not a problem."
As they returned to the bench, Himiko went to sit and Shuichi waved goodbye.
As shuichi walked back to his friends, Kokichi patted a spot next to him for Shuichi to sit.
"Hey Shuichi, what did you do?" Kokichi asked.
"I just went to talk to Himiko, didn't I already tell you that?" Shuichi responded.
"Hmm, yeah but what did you guys talk about?" Kokichi asked.
"We were talking about school work." Shuichi lied.
"But you're not in the same class as hers, you're lying to me!"
"Okay fine, but it's something private."
"Are you cheating on me?"
"What.. No!"
"Mkay, if it's got nothing to do with dating, I'm fine with that."
"Then you've got nothing to worry about then." Shuichi smiled.
"Ahem." Rantaro interrupted.
Kokichi and Shuichi looked at Rantaro.
"You guys should speak in private next time." Maki suggested, twirling her hair.
"Oh sorry!" Shuichi blushed from the embarrassment.
"Whoops." Kokichi muttered, not seeming to care.
As the group ate their lunch in silence, they were heading back to their lockers.
"I'll ask Maki for advice after school." Shuichi thought.

Saiouma fanfic that I made by accident Where stories live. Discover now